Monday, May 25, 2020
The Complex Biology Of The Female Body - 866 Words
The complex biology of the female body is the foundation of life’s most basic instinct: to survive and reproduce. The ability to bear and bring new life to earth, hormonal fluctuations, and menstruation cycles that follow the moon like the tides of the ocean all add to the mystique of ‘the woman’. Although the biology of a woman is very important (and fundamentally different from the biology of a man), it would be inappropriate to believe that biological sex is solely what makes a woman. This would be reducing humans to the animal level, and would be inaccurate because humans above all are social beings. In society today, gender roles and stereotypes put pressure on a woman to conform to cultural expectations. Is there a disconnect between who a woman feels she is on the inside and whom the outside world expects a woman to be because of her body? It seems to be that a combination of the biology and the way a woman identifies with herself would be the most appropri ate way to describe what makes a woman a â€Å"woman†. Sex is a biological matter: It includes genetic makeup, hormones, and body parts, especially the sex and reproductive organs. A female is the â€Å"individual of the sex which conceives and brings forth young.†(par doc) Most would agree that the female position in reproduction involves a lot more time, effort, and pain than the male counterpart. In fact, until the changes in delivery procedures in the past fifty years, the mortality rate of those giving birth to a childShow MoreRelatedGender Verification Of Olympic Sports1382 Words  | 6 Pagesintroduced into the Olympics as a mandatory test. This test was put in place to ensure that male athletes were not trying to pose as female athletes due to the unfair advantage that they would be afforded (Wood). Though the test was carefully designed to distinguish a man from a woman, over time it has proven to be inadequate. One of the first cases reported concerned a female athlete named StanisÅ‚awa Walasiewicz. She won gold in the 1932 Summer Olympics for women’s 100 meter, and then again in the 1936Read MoreSex : Strict Dimorphism Or Sexual Haploid1620 Words  | 7 PagesSex: Strict dimorphism or sexual multiplicity The discussion of genes and gender and the respective roles they play in determining sex and identity have been widely discussed in recent decades. The idea that biology can solely determine ones sex, wherein no external factors impact that determination requires further discussion. The topic of whether there are strictly two distinct genders represented in society has been recognized largely as a western cultural viewpoint. While not everyone agreesRead MoreBiological Factors That Affect Sexual Behavior967 Words  | 4 Pagesreproduction, human beings engage in sexual activities for more complex reasons than simply procreation. Sexuality, then, is the way that we experience and express ourselves as human beings. The development of a person’s sexuality is influenced by a number of factors including a person’s biological sex, their sexual orientation, their gender identity and roles, and the relationship between all of these factors. Literature Review and Application Biology Biological factors involved in arousal and the humanRead MoreThe Evolution Of The Brain898 Words  | 4 Pagesbest ways to conceptualize the brain is to compare it to the body. Just as the body is composed of a circulatory system, nervous system, etc. the brain is essentially a mental body that is composed of mental organ systems. It is not just the different parts of the brain that are important, but how they cooperate together in order to accomplish all kinds of functions, complex and basic. The Standard Social Science Model separates biology and culture in that they each have their own influences andRead MoreComparison of One is Not Born a Woman by Wittig and The Second Sex Simone De Beauvoir867 Words  | 4 Pagesis a crucial source in forming a base for the female status in any society. Simone De Beauvoir (2011) addresses the ambiguous imagined femininity by saying â€Å"to be considered [as women] she must share in that mysterious and threatened reality known as femininity†. Such ‘mysterious and threatened reality’ is indeed independent of facts as this paper shall revel, and they neither mirror the female reality nor provide a truthful reflection of the female, but purely part of the cultural imagination. Read MoreEvolution Of A Common Single Celled Origin1278 Words  | 6 Pages In the course of AP Biology, there are four â€Å"Big Ideas†. The first one is â€Å"The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life†. The second is â€Å"Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce and to maintain dynamic homeostasis†. The third is described as, â€Å"Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes.†And finally the four is â€Å"biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactionRead MoreA Study On Genes And Function Of Complex Eukaryotic Genomes Like Humans1504 Words  | 7 Pagesunderstand how the genetic genome works and understand the great breakthroughs that genetics can uncover when focused on the right area. Drosophila melanogaster was the star focus in this experiment for it’s similarity to the structure and function of complex eukaryotic genomes like humans. If the genes can first be studied and experimented on in good model organisms then they can progress to helping solve human’s genome mysteries. The specific gene in this study was the sex- linked white-eyed trait andRead MoreNature vs Nurture: Genes vs Environment Essay1285 Words  | 6 Pagesto gender development: biology differences (nature) or the environment (nurture). The first main factor that is said to influence gender is biology. â€Å"Nature doesn’t give a flea’s hind leg for our social theories, fads, fashions, political ideologies and other nutty ideas with which people preoccupy themselves (*). This quote explains the argument on the side of biology. People who support this ideology believe that the major biological differences between males and females must most greatly influenceRead MoreGender, Sexual, And Gender862 Words  | 4 Pagesattributes, including external genitalia, sex chromosomes, sex hormones, and internal reproductive structures. We are assigned a sex simply to be identified as either male or female. Whereas gender is a complex interrelationship between an individual’s sex (gender biology) and one’s internal sense of identity as male, female, both or neither (gender identity) as well as one’s visible mannerisms and appearance, (gender expression) which communicates their personal perc eptions and foremost their ownRead MoreGender Roles And Attitudes Of A Teacher s Practice1189 Words  | 5 Pagesaims to show how a teacher can combat or prevent those stereotypes through her thoughtful, careful approach in the class. Based on the theoretical background biological sex is an organic matter in which a person belongs, for example if it is male or female. This separation is almost everywhere in nature [with some exceptions: hermaphrodite organisms, organisms that can be played non-sexually asexually (decrease)]. On the other hand Social Sex (Gender) is the social expression of biological sex so as
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Is Discrimination Killing America - 1092 Words
Is Discrimination Killing America? Eric Brene once said, â€Å"The moment a little boy is concerned with which is a jay and which is a sparrow, he can no longer see the birds or hear them sing.†This quote is not only powerful and alarming but it too can shed some light on the situation here in America regarding discrimination. Discrimination is a plague of society that has cast a shadow over this country and has caused tension among us in the process. The question remains: is discrimination killing America? Discrimination is defined as, â€Å"treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit,†( 1). This debate over whether or not discrimination is killing America is more prevalent now than ever, with the case of Ahmed Mohamed. Ahmed Mohamed was simply a 14-year-old student, who brought an invention that he worked so hard and diligently to produce into school, and ended up in prison. The reason as to why he was put in handcuffs and taken from school: a clock. A homemade clock in which he made, and brought into school to show one of his teachers, caused Ahmed to be arrested. There is heavy debate as to whether or not the clock did look a bomb, but without a shadow of a doubt, that the clock was labeled as a bomb due to Ahmed’s nationality. This raises a concern that this country is on a downwards spiral regardingShow MoreRelatedMartin Luther King Jr.1581 Words  | 7 Pagesdiscriminated against and judged unfairly. According to the U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, racial discrimination is the act of treating someone differently or unfairly because of race (â€Å"Race/Color Discrimination†). Martin Luther King Jr. believed that all people should be treated the same regardless of ethnicity. Therefore, American society should care about racial discrimin ation because the rate of African-Americans in jail is much higher than whites, innocent African-Americans have beenRead MoreAnalysis Of White Rage By Carol Anderson1151 Words  | 5 PagesLately in the media police brutality has been a very popular topic. Most of the instances reported in the media are of white police officers killing African Americans for seemingly nothing. These reports have strengthened the divide between both races. In â€Å"White Rage†by Carol Anderson the issue of police brutality is touched on within the first few words of her essay. Anderson talks about many acts of aggression at the hands of white men, and she seems to really focus on an unarmed African AmericanRead More Film Analysis of Bowling for Columbine by Michael Moore Essay1443 Words  | 6 Pages fear and violence are also discussed in the documentary (as well as the interview of Oprah Winfrey and Michael Moore.)It is shocking to realize how people have got involved in the culture of fear, and violence. The discrimination of the blacks in America is also discussed in the film. Having watched this documentary, I was totally appalled. Thoughts went through my head, and questions were left unanswered. Are people treated justly and equally? It seems to me that theRead MoreFemicide1132 Words  | 5 PagesFemicide is defined as the act of killing a female simply because she is female. Acts of femicide includes â€Å"honor killings,†â€Å"dowry deaths,†genital mutilation, rape in war and victimization o female refugees. The treatment of women prisoners and detained immigrant women are also related to the issue of femicide. Essentially, femicide is a form of gender-based violence (Stuart van Wormer Bartollas, 2011). It is considered to be an extreme form of gender-based violence that may include tortureRead MoreThe Conflict Of Police Brutality And Racial Profiling858 Words  | 4 Pagesstart of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People). For many years, especially for people not of colour, racism, racial discrimination and police brutality were â€Å"hidden†from the mainstream media. Though, from current events and to the recent obtainability of lib eral media and twenty-four-hour newsrooms, citizens of America are being exposed and educated to the effects of racism today. In my final essay, I will be focusing on the conflict of police brutality and racialRead MoreEssay On Police Brutality1478 Words  | 6 Pagesaccursed lot†(Line 1-4). Claude McKay born in the year 1889 and died 1948 wrote a poem called â€Å"If We Must Die†. â€Å"If We Must Die†, speaks about how minority groups are being harassed and treated like hogs due to racial discrimination. In current day America racial discrimination is ongoing, which leads to police brutality. In â€Å"Why Are So Many Black Americans Killed By Police?†, Carl Bialik, reveals racism (consciously or not) leads to police brutality of African Americans. Kia Makarechi in â€Å"WhatRead MoreRacism Is The Belief That Characteristics And Abilities Can Be Attributed1130 Words  | 5 PagesDanieh Shehadeh Professor Falloon ENGWR 101 July 2, 2015 Racism in America Today Racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others. Racism leads to discrimination and prejudice towards minorities which leads to a lot of hate crime. Many people that have not had any racist remarks told to them would argue racism doesn t exist anymore. Sadly, this is not true. Racism today mightRead MoreRacism Against African Americans : Racism1575 Words  | 7 PagesFebruary 2016 Racism against African Americans â€Å"I believe in human beings, and that all human beings should be respected as such, regardless of their color.†-Malcom X. Is racism against the African American descent still a big issue in America? Racism against African Americans has been going on for quite some time and yes, it’s still a continuous problem. People believe it has settled down over time, but it’s still a major issue that we as Americans are trying to overcome.There have beenRead MoreA Jewish Man And A Christian Man Walk Into A Bar The Bartender1492 Words  | 6 Pagesbar the bartender say to the Christian man you can not cross this line. Discrimination is something that needs to be addressed because of sexism, racial inequality, and religious differences. Muslims, African-Americans, and Hispanics; what do they all have in common you ask, they are the top most discriminated people in America. People should not be judged off of what somebody of their race has done once upon a time. America gives people the right to freedom of religion even so people still chooseRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography Of The Coming Of Age 1078 Words  | 5 Pagesrebelling against the injustice. Internalized oppression affects anyone who perceives as inferior by the oppressor. The feud with colorism, the fear of rebellion, and the normalization of discrimination influences the racial etiquette of Toosweet’s generation. Internalized oppression influences the discrimination among the black community in Centreville. In the novel, Toosweet marries into a family of fair-skinned African Americans who are not very accepting of her. Toosweet’s mother in law, Ms.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Index Minerals Defined and Explained in Geology
As rocks are subjected to heat and pressure, they change or metamorphose. Different minerals appear in any given rock depending upon the type of rock and the amount of heat and pressure the rock undergoes. Geologists look at the minerals in rocks to determine how much heat and pressure  and thus how much metamorphosis  the rock has undergone. Certain minerals, called index minerals, only appear in certain rocks at certain pressures, Thus, index minerals can tell geologists how much the rock has metamorphosed. Examples of Index Minerals The most widely used index minerals are, in ascending order of pressure/temperature, are biotite, the zeolites, chlorite, prehnite, biotite, hornblende, garnet, glaucophane, staurolite, sillimanite, and glaucophane. When these minerals are found in particular types of rocks, they can indicate the minimum amount of pressure and/or temperature the rock has experienced. For example, slate, when it undergoes metamorphosis, changes first to phyllite, then to schist, and finally to gneiss. When slate is seen to contain chlorite, it is understood to have undergone a low grade of metamorphosis. Mudrock, a sedimentary rock, contains quarts at all grades of metamorphosis. Other minerals, however, are added as the rock undergoes different zones of metamorphosis. The minerals are added in the following order: biotite, garnet, staurolite, kyanite, sillimanite. If a piece of mudrock contains garnet but no kyanite, it has probably undergone only a low grade of metamorphosis. If, however, it contains sillimanite, it has undergone extreme metamorphosis.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Pet Overpopulation Is A Serious Problem - 988 Words
Did you know about 25 million puppies and kittens are born into the United States each year? That’s more than 50,000 born each day in this country alone. Twenty five million pets produce yearly greatly exceeds the amount of willing families to take care of these animals that are born into the world. Even though, these massive amount of litters may in fact be completely healthy there is just not a sufficient enough of homes for this animals to be place in. statically reported by the humane society of the united states in October 2011 6 to 8 million animals who have no place to call their home are put into animal shelters. Unfortunately, due to the excessive surplus of these animals about half which is 3 to 4 million only make it out alive. The other half left to be euthanize by the shelter to make room for the new incoming animals. This turns out to be one animal euthanize every 8 sec. Pet overpopulation has been a serious problem throughout the nation for many years. The on on going cycle of bring unwanted litters of pets into the world makes it extremely difficult to reduce the amount of animals being euthanize across the nation each and every day. It’s important for people to understand the need to spay and neuter their family’s pets and all pets in general, all though people don’t understand that need its extremely important to take into account that these thousands of wanted any unneeded animals being born into the world each day will statically end up homeless, place inShow MoreRelatedAdopt and Save a Life Essay1553 Words  | 7 Pagesthat more animals in the United States are being euthanized every day due to the fact of overpopulation of animals, serious injury or diseases, puppy mills and natural disasters. According to the Humane Society of the United States, they estimated that in 2013, animal shelters care for about six to eight million dogs and cats every year, of this approximately three to four million are euthanized (Pet Overpopulation). This stated would mean that about one animal every eight seconds is euthanized a dayRead MoreThe Problem Of Pet Overpopulation1475 Words  | 6 PagesStray animals and pet overpopulation is a serious problem in today’s society. III. Relevance: Every person in this room will either own or come in contact with an animal. We need to know how we can keep our own animals from contributing to the problem and other ways we can help solve it. IV. Credibility: I am a volunteer at one of the local humane societies, I see stray animals come in and out all of the time. We need to do something to fix the problem of pet overpopulation. I also found my dogRead MoreAnimal Euthanasia Essay1658 Words  | 7 Pagessingle dog has the potential of making a good house pet and becoming an important part of an owner’s life. Most dogs that are being euthanized each year are not even suffering from any illnesses and are not aggressive either. They are just unlucky. The reasoning that is given by these shelters committing these vile acts is that there is an overpopulation of dogs in their shelters and not enough homes for all of them so they have no choice. The problem with this picture is the fact that many of theseRead MoreAnimal Breeding Is Good For The Community And Immoral854 Words  | 4 Pagesas well as the reproduction industry. Knowing the differences between responsible and irresponsible breeding is crucial to understanding the consequences of reckless breeding. Careless breeding creates health and behavioral defects as well as overpopulation. The negative consequences of irresponsible breeding should not only become more mainstream, but also more carefully regulated, which results in the stopping of the practice. Major details differentiate between responsible and reckless breedingRead MorePet Ownership: Causes and Effects1233 Words  | 5 Pageseffect relationship: Pet ownership The effects of pet ownership have been shown to be beneficial for humans as well as animals in need of a home. People purchase pets for a variety of reasons, spanning from a need to get more exercise, a desire for companionship, to a desire for unconditional love. Other people simply just love animals and their lives feel complete without a furry friend. However, not all of the causes of pet ownership are positive. Some people purchase a pet because they think theRead More Adoption of Animals Essay1808 Words  | 8 Pageswhom there arent enough adoptive homes waiting. A few may have come from responsible breeders, whose owners do not realize that the breeder will take them back,many are those who are lost, and/or from owners who simply got tired of them. Some are pet shop puppies from a puppy mill that did not meet the owners expectations due to health, temperament, or other reasons. A large number usually turn out to be the result of deliberate and irresponsible home breeding. T hese people are known as back-yardRead MoreA Bibliography Of Animal Cruelty1696 Words  | 7 Pageshelp. Animals are like humans except they can’t tell people to stop.†Animal cruelty and abuse, a good website, said that. I think that is a big problem we need to fix. People hurting animals just because they can’t speak out for themselves. Some people take advantage of that. And it us up to humans to tell those people to stop. Animal abuse is a very serious matter and it happens all over the world. It is important because it is wrong to make any other creatures feel pain, and most often the peopleRead MoreThe Effects Of Animal Shelters On The United States1255 Words  | 6 Pagesbecause of inattentive pet proprietorship and uncontrolled breeding of animals. People often get pets without a full understanding of the time, money, and space that they require. Regrettably, that recurrently results in pets being abandoned or abused by these owners. Apart from accountable breeders, owners should spay or neuter their pets to stop the serious overpopulation problem, which is happening in the United States. Shelters do not treat or stop the problem of unwanted pets but without them theRead MoreThe Cane Toad : An Invasive Species Problem1561 Words  | 7 Pagesexample; this is an invasive species problem that is currently occurring in the United States. The cane toad (Rhinella marina), is a species that is native to South America, Central America, Mexico, and southwestern Texas. The cane toad began to become introduced in Florida, Hawaii, and even Louisiana. Originally, they were let out around sugar cane plantations in order to eliminate pests that ate the cane. Eventually they â€Å"escaped†and people began to keep them as pets and in their backyards. The caneRead MoreOryx And Crake Essay Playing God1491 Words  | 6 Pageshumans within the Oryx and Crake universe die off, there is no one left to take care of the hybrid animal s. These creatures go from being household pets to savage beasts who would harm anything in their paths in order to survive. As Snowman, better known as Jimmy, takes notice of a young wild rakunk, he remembers that â€Å"When Jimmy was ten he’d been given a pet rakunk [named Killer]..†(Atwood 49). Despite their savagery, these creatures remain calculated in their actions. When pigoons surround Snowman
The Effects Of Bipolar Disorder On The Development Of Self
Bipolar Disorder is described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5) as a mood disorder with manic symptoms. Individuals with the disorder may swing between periods of depression and mania. Bipolar disorder has subtypes characterized by the frequency and intensity of manic and depressive episodes. Onset typically occurs when one is a young adult, but can often occur during the early teen years. There are numerous developmental considerations to early onset Bipolar disorder which are further examined in our supplemental readings for class. This appears to be an area in much need of further research especially to discover and develop interventions which will assist young adults during this critical and complex†¦show more content†¦They chose this topic because it has not been researched much. The qualitative study examined how a sense of self and or an identity develops for those with the disorder. Psychosocial development is a challenge in itself for most teens. In this study the researchers described finding that bipolar disorder made this developmental process more challenging. According to, Inder et al. (2008), â€Å"Bipolar disorder created experiences of confusion, contradiction, and self-doubt which made it difficult for these participants to establish continuity in their sense of self.†They continued to describe how living with the disorder can be di sruptive and prevent one from looking at themselves as separate from their condition. Their results showed the importance of viewing bipolar disorder within a psychosocial developmental framework. By doing so, one can consider the impact of the disorder on the developing self-identity. This study discovered that there is a need to utilize interventions that would help individuals not focus on themselves related to their illness but instead to foster increased self-acceptance and integration which would then develop a stronger self and identity. During the course of this study the researcher used an interview and interpretation process which allowed them to garner common themes from their interview responses. They found that the disorder has a profound impact in a variety of areas. Themes emerged that included
Process Analysis How to Change Your Oil free essay sample
In order to keep your car running well, you must regularly change your oil and oil filter. This involves draining the old oil, changing the oil filter, replacing the oil with clean oil, and disposing of the old oil. The equipment required includes four to six liters of oil, a socket wrench, a funnel, an oil filter, a car jack, an oil catch-pan, and oil rags or paper towels. The first step in changing your oil is to place the car jack under the frame of the car and lift it up high enough for you to lie underneath. This allows you to have easy access to the oil pan. After the car is lifted to a comfortable height, turn the car on and idle it for two to three minutes in order to warm up the oil. Heating up the oil allows it to drain more quickly and ensures you stir up all of the loose sediment in the oil. We will write a custom essay sample on Process Analysis: How to Change Your Oil or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Once your car is warmed up and turned off, remove the oil cap. The cap is located under the hood of your car on top of the engine. This is where you will add oil after you are done draining the old oil. Doing this will help the oil drain more easily because air can flow in as the lines empty. Once this step is completed, you will need to lie under your car and look for a flat metal pan close to the engine. It should have a bolt or plug toward the bottom. This is the oil plug you will need to remove in order for the used oil to drain. Directly beneath the plug, place your pan with a couple of paper towels beneath that for catching the oil. Removing this plug can be tricky; the oil will come out of the pan as soon as you do this. You will begin by loosening the plug counter-clockwise with the proper sized socket wrench. Once you have loosened the plug with your wrench, remove it the rest of the way with your hand. Make sure you have your oil catch-pan placed directly beneath the oil pan before you remove the plug. You must also be careful not to drop the plug into the used oil; it is a messy job trying to find the plug in the black stuff. Now you wait. It will take several minutes for all the oil to drain out of the engine. When the oil has ceased running out of the crankcase, replace the plug. Hand tighten it at first to make sure you are not cross-threading the oil plug when you screw it back in, and then tighten it the rest of the way with your wrench. While you are poking around underneath the car, take a minute to locate the oil filter. You will need to replace this next. This next step requires you to locate the filter assembly. Filters are not put in a standard position, so they can be on the front, on the back or on the side of engine depending on the model. Examine the replacement filter you purchased to get an idea of what to look for. Typically, they are white, blue, or black cylinders about five inches long and three inches wide, like a soup can. After you find the filter, unscrew it. Get a good grip with your hands and twist counter-clockwise at a slow and steady pace. Make sure the catch-pan is still under the car collecting the spilling oil; there will be some oil trapped in the filter that will be released when unscrewed. In order to prepare the new filter, dip the tip of your finger in the new replacement oil and smear it on the gasket ring of the new filter. This will lubricate the gasket and create a good seal for the new filter and ensure that you will be able to remove the filter later. Carefully screw on the new, lubricated filter, being careful to not cross the threads. The filter will generally say how tight to tighten it, so refer back to the directions on the box for more specific instructions. In general, you will tighten the filter until the gasket touches, then one quarter-turn more. With all of the openings plugged, it is time to replace the oil that was removed. Now, you will add the new oil to the car at the hole made by removing the oil cap. The quantity needed is in the car’s owners manual, usually listed under â€Å"capacities.†To prevent a spill on the engine, use the funnel to control the flow of the oil. When you have added the required amount of oil, replace the cap. To get the pressure up and ensure you have installed everything correctly, start the engine and run it for two minutes. This is also when you reset your oil change light. Voila, you have just changed your oil. Now that you have completed your task, it is time get the sludgy mess into a more permanent container. Adding the used oil to the new container you have just emptied or an empty milk jug is the best disposal technique. Once your catch-pan is drained, make sure your oil filter is also empty. You can add this oil to your disposal container and then you may dispose of your old oil in a designated collection site. Typically, all places that sell motor oil will have this information on hand. Changing your own oil is significantly less expensive than having a professional do the work. Over time, your oil will break down again and your filter will become clogged with contaminants. Depending upon your driving habits and type of vehicle, this may take as few as three months or 3,000 miles, or be as long as 20,000 miles or twenty-four months. When this time comes, you now know how to solve the problem.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
IINET Buyers Club a Stakeholder Analysis †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About the IINET Dallas Buyers Club? Answer: Introduction: This particular case is about the movie Dallas Buyers Club, the copyright of which is won by the Voltage Pictures and the internet pirates or iiNet customers, who are alleged to download the movie over the internet. Of about 4726 customers of iiNet have been alleged to download the movie over the internet and this case was finally over in the year 2016 in February 11th and the verdict of the court was in a way which makes clear that the piracy have won over the copyright. There were more than 4700 customers who were caught illegally sharing the movie over the internet, but the verdict was in favour of them as the Australian court dismissed the claim of the copyright owners Voltage Pictures (Jean et al., 2013). The policy that applies to the law is online exclusive rights infringement and this case was launched in the year 2012 by Voltage Pictures against six service providers of the internet among which the main party was iiNet. The film was buffered with the help of the BitTorrent and IP address of 4726 customers was tracked down (The Sydney Morning Herald, 2017). In April, 2015 it was told that Dallas Buyers Club can only take the charges form the customers for downloading the film and the problem with the case is that, DBS didnt had the IP address of the buyer and for getting the IP address, the charge that DBC has to pay to the court amounted to $600,000 (The Sydney Morning Herald, 2017). In this particular assignment, the problems regarding the policy have been identified and also the stakeholders of the organization have been identified and the roles of the stakeholders are also analysed and how they influence the policy. Problems related to the policy: Copyright infringement is a centralized communal basis of action. The infringement of copyright is a process which is related to duplication of the original work that has been performed or has been reproduced (Pallante, 2012). In this particular case, the copyright infringement related to DBS has been indentified and in this particular case, it can be seen that the movie was released in the internet with the help of BitTorrent and downloaded from the internet service provider sites like iiNet. There are various problems that are related to the policy were discovered as it was passed in the court of Australian law and various problems identified related to the policy are discussed below: Financial: The financial problems that are related to the law is that the Dallas Buyers Club movie will lose big market due to the leakage of the film over the internet and as the seeding of the movie is done with the help of the BitTorrent, there are many such potential viewers of the movie who downloaded the film over the internet and watched the movie and as a result they didnt visit the theatre to watch the film (Borten and Wallack, 2014). For this reason, the movie lost a huge amount of potential viewers and suffered a great loss due to the problem in the policy making of the court. They also had to take the money from the iiNet customers for watching the movie a little cum of $ 20 from each customer which is just a little amount while compared with the loss of Dallas Buyers Club. Technical: The technical difficulty related to the policy is that, the piracy over the internet will increase due to the decision that has been taken and also more and more movies have the chances to get leaked in the future as the verdict of the court was against Dallas Buyers Club (Pascale, 2015). The movie pirates in future can leak more movies over the internet and they can seed more movies with the help of Bit Torrent. The technical issues that are also related to the case are that already movie industry since the year 2006 has lost a lot of revenue for the reason of piracy and as the verdict of DBC case is not against the movie pirates, this will worsen the situation more in the near future. Legal: The legal problems related to the case is that, the Voltage Pictures is unable to take any strict actions against the customers who leaked the pictures and what Voltage Pictures can just do is that, they can collect $ 20 from each customers for watching the movie over the internet and not any legal actions can be taken against them for downloading the movie and seeding the movie with the help of BitTorrent (Suzor, 2015). It was also declared that Dallas Buyers Club will also have to pay $600,000 in order to gain the IP address of the more than 4700 customers. Social: The social problems that are related to the policy is that, the increase in piracy will increase the amount of movies that will be leaked over the internet and also make the economy of the society weak as a result (Jacobs et al.,, 2012). The social problems that is related to the policy also states that as a result of this verdict that has been provided by the law, will increase the privacy of the movies and also increase more movies in the internet related to pornography and so on which will have a very bad influence on the society. Economical: The economical influence that is related to the policy is that, Dallas Buyers Club will lose a lot of money due to the decision as they have lost their potential viewers due to the leakage of the movie over the internet and also if this situation persists as the verdict was provided, there will be more piracy of movies over the internet and in future, the economy of the country will become more weak if this situation goes on. Stakeholders in the trial: Stakeholders: A stakeholders can be either a person, or an organization or a group which can be influenced by the decision making process of the organization either negatively or positively (Werther Jr. and Chandler, 2010). The policies that were made in this particular case have some serious effects on the stakeholders and they will be described below. Stakeholders of the case: Internet service providers: There are six internet service providers that were included in the case and the foremost of them being iiNet. The internet service providers are the sites in which the viewers are able to view the movies online and in exchange of certain amount of money. From the sites of iiNet and other internet service providing sites illegal downloads were made by more than 4700 customers and the movie was released over the internet with the help of seeding the movie from BitTorrent. More than 352,000 unlawful downloads took place during that time and so, the internet service providers like iiNet and others are considered as one of the main stakeholders of this particular case (The Sydney Morning Herald, 2017). Voltage Pictures: Another main stakeholder of the case is the copyright owner of Dallas Buyers Club which is the Voltage Pictures. The verdict by the Australian Court of Law was against the Voltage Pictures and it was said that no actions will be taken against the customers and also Voltage Pictures will have to pay $600,000 in order to get the IP address of the customers who downloaded the picture illegally (White et al., 2015). Also, it can be done that the customers who downloaded the film illegally over the internet service providers can be made to pay $ 20 each for watching the film over the internet. The Voltage Picture is the creator of the movie and the verdict that was provided by the court was mostly against them. Justice, Nye Perram: Justice Nye Perram is another stakeholder in this case with high power and he is the one in whose hands verdict was there. Nye Perram after going through everything, decided to provide verdict in favour of the customers of iiNet and other internet service providers. According to him, it was necessary for the Voltage Pictures to provide $600,000 in order to get the list of customers IP address that downloaded the movie illegally and released it over the internet and also according to the justice it can be done that the customers can pay $ 20 as a watching cost of the movie over the internet service provider. Society: The society can be termed as another stakeholder as the influence of the decision that has been made in the court of law will also have an effect on them. The society can be influenced by the piracy of the movies and in future there can be more problems that can arise as piracy of the movies like pornographic movies which are harmful for the society. Also piracy of the movies will also have a negative effect on the economy of the country as well as on the society. Customers of internet service providers: The customers of internet service providers like iiNet or the ones who downloaded the movie illegally is one of the main stakeholders of this case. The customers are the main stakeholders as more than 4700 customers have downloaded the movie illegally and seeding of the movie has been done with the help of the BitTorrent (Cheema, 2016). The main case is against the customers and the internet service providers from which the download took place. BitTorrent: BitTorrent can be regarded as another stakeholder as the movie seeding was done with the help of Bit Torrent and more than 352,000 downloads were made which were illegal. This had an influence on the revenue of Dallas Buyers Club. Federal Government: Federal Government of the country will also have an influence on the decision of the law that will be taken in the court of justice (Golder and Sawyer, 2015). The Federal Government of the country will be influenced as the economic condition of the country will be weakened with more pirated works that will take place in future due to the decision that has been made in the court of law. Identify the role and influence the stakeholders have on information policy: There are different kinds of influence that each stakeholder has on the verdict of law and they are mentioned below: Internet service providers influence: The internet service providers influence on this particular case is very high as they are the ones who have allowed the downloading of the movies by their customers and Dallas Buyers Club was downloaded by the customers of the internet service provider sites like iiNet and others. Voltage Pictures influence: Voltage picture is another stakeholder who will have high influence on the case as the Dallas Buyers Club movie belongs to them and piracy of the movie and copyright infringement has affected them the most (White et al., 2017). Justice Nye Perrams influence: Influence of Justice Nye Perram will also be high in this case as he is the decision maker of this case and the justice will be provided by him. Also, the final decision taken by him will be the verdict of the Federal court and for that reason, it can be said that Justice Nye Perram will have high influence in this case. Society influence: The influence on the society will also be high as the verdict of the court will decide the level of influence it will have on the society. In this particular case, the influence is high as more piracy in the future will make the economy of the country weak and also bad influences like pornographic films can also be pirated in future. Customers of iiNet and other sites influence: The customers of iiNet and other sites will also have a high influence in this case, as they are the reasons behind the mishap and the case. As the customers downloaded the movie and released it over BitTorrent, Voltage Pictures, who have the copyright of the movie, faced various problems. So the customers will have a high influence in this particular case (Rimmer, 2015). Bit Torrent: BitTorrent is the application with the help of which the movie seeding was done and BitTorrent being a third party in the case have low influence in this case. BitTorrent was not directly involved at all in this particular case. Movie Industry: Movie industry will also have low influence in this case as only one movie was pirated with the help of internet service providers site and not all the movies were targeted. References: Borten, C., Wallack, M. (2014). Dallas buyers club. Mis. Label. Cheema, S. (2016, March). Catch me if you can: The legal implications of the'Dallas buyers club'decision for end users, ISPs and account-holders. 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