Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Understanding children and young people Essay Example for Free
Understanding children and young people Essay Children’s development is influenced by a variety of different personal factors, such as: †¢health status †¢disability †¢sensory impairment †¢learning difficulties Health status: A child health status could be determined by their genes or factors such as environment, diet and stress this could have a big impact on the child development. A child being born into a family that both parents carry a trait of sickle cell, that child has one in four chance of being born with sickle cell anaemia. Due to the illness the child sequences and rate development could be affected because of the illness. A child living in a poor environment where it is cold and damp is mostly to develop asthma and also has a bad diet could become obesity or undernourished. This could affect a child aspect of development as they may feel they dont want to play with other children because of their weight or they cant play because their illness restrict what they can do. Children could find it hard to settle in a nursery/ playgroup because they have missed session due to illness this could also be stressful for the child because they might find it hard to make friends. As an nursery worker or playgroup leader you should always make children with an illness or coming from a poor background should all be treated equal and make sure they miss out as little as possible. Disability Sensory impairment: Children born with disabilities could affect their aspect development for example A child in a wheelchair or with a serious physical impairment would find it hard to do many activities, particularity those that are physically demanding. Gross motor skills would be at a less developed rate than peers and fine motor skills may be affected if the child had little or no control over their limbs. Although a disability can affect a child development there should always support and opportunities for children to be able to learn and develop , for example a child should have one to one support or a key worker where that person is allocated to that child to help them gain and learn the same as their peers. Learning difficulties: There are many different types of learning difficulties which can affect a child aspect development in many different ways and also rate of development. Learning difficulties does affect everyone in different ways as we are different individuals they are also present differently at various stages of development. Cognitive development is majorly affected as it covers the way the brain processes information. Learning difficulties prevents the brains ability to receive, process, store, respond to and communicate information. For example a child that is dyslexic will have trouble confusing letter names and sounds, difficulties blending sounds into words, slow rate of reading, trouble remembering after reading text. They will find it hard to concentrate in school as it affects their intellectual skills, this could lead the child feeling left out with their peers. They may might need to have one-to-one lessons at school to help educate them as they may not be at the same cognitive stage as peers.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Comparing the Trial in The Plague and Hamlet :: comparison compare contrast essays
The Archetype of the Trial in The Plague and Hamlet     Rare is the tale without a conflict, without a challenge to overcome. However, to even reach the challenge the hero must first pass through the Trial. The archetype of the Trial can be found in almost any folktale. King Arthur must draw the sword from the stone to prove himself fit to be king. Hercules must face labors to atone for the murders committed in his madness. It is prominent in other areas of literature as well; it is especially well represented in The Plague by Albert Camus and Hamlet by William Shakespeare.  The Trial serves two purposes: to prove worth and to atone for wrongs and purify. When the Trial is used to prove the worth of the hero, the hero must prove that he is capable and worthy enough to be the hero and that he will be able to face the ultimate conflict. This aspect of the Trial is what is also known as the Initiation (Campbell 97). In Arthurian mythology Arthur must pull the Excalibur from the stone. This trial proves him worthy to be king because only the true heir to the crown is able to draw the sword. The basis of authority for his rule is thus established. In Hamlet, Prince Hamlet must endure heart wrenching grief, betrayal by those closest to him, and murder in order to prove that he is fit to take action. However, while Arthur had to prove to the nobles of the land that he was fit to be king, Hamlet's trial is an inward proof to himself that he is in the right and his father's death must be avenged.  The Trial is also used to purify the hero and help him atone for evils. This is seen clearly in the Hercules legend of Greek mythology. The jealous goddess Hera uses her power to make Hercules insane and in his madness he slaughters his own children. He then journeys to Delphi and consults the oracle which tells him that he must serve for ten years as his cousin Eurytheus' servant and must perform ten labors. Through his labors he is able to atone for his past evil deeds and regain the favor of the gods (D'Aulaire 132-146).  Hamlet is a tale which puts many of its characters through trials but none suffer as much as Prince Hamlet himself.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Adverb Clause
What do you know about adverbial clause? Adverb clause is a dependent clauses that consists of subject and verd as a unit which takes the place of an adverb in another clauses or pharses. It answers questions such as â€Å"when? †, â€Å"where? †, â€Å"why? †, â€Å"with whwt result? †, and â€Å"under what condition? †. It oftenly modifies verb in the sentences. 2. Mention the kinds of adverb clause! There are some kinds of adverb clause, they are: kind of clausecommon conjunctionsFunctionExample ime clauseswhen, before, after, since, while, as, as long as, until,till, etc. (conjunctions that answer the question â€Å"when? â€Å"); hardly, scarcely, no sooner, etc. These clauses are used to say when something happens by referring to a period of time or to another event. Her goldfish died when she was young. conditional clausesif, unless, lestThese clauses are used to talk about a possible or counterfactual situation and its consequences. If the y lose weight during an illness, they soon regain it afterwards. urpose clausesin order to, so that, in order thatThese clauses are used to indicate the purpose of an action.They had to take some of his land so that they could extend the churchyard. reason clausesbecause, since, as, givenThese clauses are used to indicate the reason for something. I couldn't feel anger against him because I liked him too much. result clausesso†¦ thatThese clauses are used to indicate the result of something. My suitcase had become so damaged on the journey home that the lid would not stay closed. oncessive clausesalthough, though, whileThese clauses are used to make two statements, one of which contrasts with the other or makes it seem surprising. I used to read a lot although I don't get much time for books now. place clauseswhere, wherever, anywhere, everywhere, etc. (conjunctions that answer the question â€Å"where? â€Å")These clauses are used to talk about the location or position of s omething. He said he was happy where he was. clauses of manneras, like, the wayThese clauses are used to talk about someone's behaviour or the way something is done.I was never allowed to do things as I wanted to do them. Table 1. adopted from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Adverbial_clause 3. Example of adverb clause a. The government of resource-poor Japan and the utility companies contend nuclear reactors must come back online after thorough safety checks to avoid possible rolling blackouts this summer and excessive reliance on imports of liquid natural gas, coal and other expensive fuels for conventional power plants. The underlined above is adverb clause of time. It modifies the verb come back. . Tokyo housewife Setsuko Naoe says she felt compelled to join the protests because officials have not learned any lessons from the Fukushima meltdowns. The underlined above is adverb clause of reason, it modifies felt compelled to join the protests. c. Asakawa says since the 1960s, Japa n has not seen such large street demonstrations, which also took place in the same location. But these rallies are different he points out – as they are not composed of radical, young people but are rather part of a diverse grassroots movement.The underlined above is adverb clause of time, it modifies has not seen’ d. Japan may be forced to halt all state spending including salaries, pensions and unemployment benefits, because of a standoff in parliament that has blocked a bill to finance the deficit. The underlined above is adverb clause of reason. It modifies the verb may be forced. e. â€Å"The giant pandas are messengers of friendship,†he said. â€Å"We hope that people-to-people sentiment and overall relations between China and Japan can be promoted because of the birth of the cub. †The underlined above is adverb clause of reason.It modifies can be promoted. f. Victoria only learned the truth when she became an adult. The underlined above is an adv erb clause of time. It modifies learned. g. â€Å"With this verdict we can start repairing the damages caused by our history, even though this history still causes us pain,†she adds. The underlined above is an adverb clause of concessive. It modifies start repairing. h. Some either prefer not to know or when they do find out they remain with the parents who raised them – even if they were directly involved in the death of their biological parents.The underlined above takes place as an adverb clause of conditional. It modifies prefer not to know. i. When her adoptive father told her that her parents were left-wing activists that he himself had helped to arrest, she replied: â€Å"I understand that you had to do it. †The underlined above is adverb clause of time. It modifies the verb replied. j. â€Å"The worst years came when I started to come to terms with my situation and I had this huge internal emotional debate,†she says. The underlined above is adv erb clause of time. It modifies the verb came. 4.Comparison and the differences among Noun, Adjective and Adverb clause. Three of the clauses above same in the content, their clauses consist of subject and verb. While the differences among them the functions and what they modify. Noun clause takes place as noun in the sentences, it may be appear as subject or object. Noun clause often modifies the noun in the sentence. Adjective clause takes place as an adjective in the sentence. It also modifies the noun in the sentence. And adverb clause takes place as an adverb in the sentences, it modifies the verb in the sentence.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Threats of a Cyber Attack - 811 Words
Introduction Cyber threats are currently of large enough significance to enough to constitute a full blown national security priority in the West and the United States. In fact, we may be at zero hour. In order to better understand the challenges that cyber infrastructures are facing, it is necessary to understand the level of the threat that is posed, where the potential threats may emanate from, the techniques which help in identifying emerging cyber security threats posed by those who perpetrate computer-based crimes and attacks and the level of protection required. While computer hacking has traditionally been looked upon as a criminal enterprise, the high-tech nature of todays warfare, especially in warfare in and the command of the high ground of space, cyber warfare has become a critical battle that must be won for the West. While the Internet may be a super-highway for information and commerce, like any physical super-highway, it can also be a quick entry into the heartland o f a nation. In this case, that is its cyber heartland. Analysis of Basis for Research Question and Problem Legal Methodology and Basis Scholars such as David E. Graham perceive that the threat is still low, it is rising and there is a question of much force in terms of cyber or purely military responses is legal or necessary. What Graham points to is that there may be a distinct difference between a matter of criminal hacking and a military attack. As a specialist in international law,Show MoreRelatedCyber Threats And Cyber Attacks Essay946 Words  | 4 PagesAccording to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in the article Cyber Threats to Mobile Phones, phones are now sharing hardware and software similar to a PC and becoming each time more like a PC. 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