Friday, December 27, 2019
Nutrition In Mountain Biking Essay - 1460 Words
Nutrition in Mountain Biking I. Waterworld 1. Muscles produce 30-100 times more heat while riding 2. Water doesnt supply calories, minerals, or vitamins A. But it is used for almost every body function B. 55-65% of body weight is water 3. When losing a quart of fluid heart beats 8 more times a minute 4. Before a long ride start hyperhydrating 1 day in advance 5. Do drinking strategies during your training II. Rehydrate 1. Drink alot after a ride 2. Sports drinks replenish the best 3. Eat alot of salty snacks A. Sodium makes your blood like a sponge B. meals contain more sodium naturally than sports bars III. Diet helps 1. 60% of your daily fluid comes from food 2. Fruit and vegatables are great fluid sources 3. Foods high†¦show more content†¦Drink lots of water every day, but before a long ride or a race, start hyper hydrating twenty four hours in advance. Avoid drinks containing alcohol or caffeine because they both make the body excrete more water. If you can not meet your calorie needs, use sports drinks, recovery drinks or other liquid supplements. Try to step fluid lost to sweat, practice drinking strategies during your training. Determine how much sweat you lose by weighing yourself before and after your rides Every pound lost equals sixteen ounces of fluids. It takes practice to drink more than a quart of fluid per hour without getting cramps or internal discomfort. A hydration bladder system such as Camelbak, provides water and will help you drink more (Walsh 94). After you have ridden for a while drink plenty of fluids. What you drink after the ride can make a difference. Coyle also compared the effects of drinking nearly two liters of water, sport drinks, or diet cola in athletes two hours after a workout, the results showed diet cola replenishes 54% of the fluids lost; water, 64%; and sport drinks, 69%. Before or while ridin g you should eat salty snacks. Sodium makes your blood like a sponge so you can absorb more water and excrete less. Athletes such as cyclists should also drink plentiful with meals and snacks, because food naturally contains many times more sodium than soft drinks or energyShow MoreRelatedEssay1064 Words  | 5 Pagesdescriptions of gastrointestinal related distress.....if you are squeamish about such issues, best to skip this one. ;0)  Aw snap. Its 3 a.m. and I am up tossing and turning in bed. One week exactly to my next race and Im ruminating on race day prep, nutrition, strategy and results. I slide out of bed, grab a banana and a sip of water and sit in my kitchen for a few minutes relishing in the serenity of the early morning. I can hear the frogs croaking on the nearby pond, and I try to quiet my mind beforeRead MoreOur First Five Adventure And Fitness1797 Words  | 8 Pagestreatments. 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Although the CaboDaySpas lacked the distinguished history of the Palm Springs property, they, too, were well regarded. Located on 150 acres in the foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains, Cabo San Viejo’s Palm Springs location accommodated a maximum of 288 guests in adobe cottages set on beautifully landscaped grounds. Over the years, facilities had expanded to include an air-conditioned, 100,000square-foot spa complex; a 4,200-square-foot
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Freakonomics by by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dunbar...
â€Å"Freakonomics: A Rouge Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything†, is a best-selling book by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dunbar. Levitt describes the book as a effort to â€Å"strip away a layer or two from the surface of modern life and see what is happening underneath.†He does this by taking two seemingly unrelated events and associates them. From comparing teachers and sumo wrestlers, to inquiring why crack dealers still live with their mothers Levitt and Dunbar manage to successfully put a spin on conventional wisdom by looking at it through very different perspectives. Unlike most books this book has no central idea, in fact in the opening chapter Levitt makes clear that this is by design. The key concern was to make people†¦show more content†¦Economic incentives are those that a person responds to in the marketplace. Finally, moral incentives appeal to a person’s sense of right and wrong. Levitt says that economics is nothing more than the study of incentives. Chicago public school teachers that were found to change student’s answers on standardized tests and Japanese Sumo wrestlers who throw certain high steaks matches Levitt described how research projects led to termination of teachers that were cheating. Teachers in Chicago were offered incentives depending on how their students did on high steaks clearly giving them reason to cheat. After reviewing test scores and creating an algorithm they were able to accurately identify teachers who changed student’s answers. He then took the techniques they used to uncover cheating teachers and showed how and when sumo wrestlers were cheating. Levitt points to especially important matches being thrown, with the winners later reciprocating in less important matches, so that top wrestlers can maintain their status. Levitt points out that both groups under the right circumstances will cheat for similar reasons. In Chapter 2 the question is How is the Ku Klux Klan like a group of real estate agents? This chapter is all about information and how it can be used as one of the most powerful economic tools. The author claims that much of the KKK’s power came from the fact that soShow MoreRelated Early Learning: How Do Head Start Programs Contribute to Success608 Words  | 3 Pages). The Assistant Secretary heads it for Children and Families; it also has a $47 billion budget for 65 programs that targets children, youth, and families. The effectiveness of the Head Start Program is controversial, Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dunbar, author of Freakonomics (Early Childhood Longitudinal Study). They concluded that the Head Start participation has no lasting effect on test scores. Children whom finish the program and attend a disadvantaged school performed worse than their
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Case Study Chloe’s Story free essay sample
The serous membrane in Chloe’s abdomen contains the peritoneum. The peritoneum is the largest serous membrane of the body which includes the greater omentum, the largest peritoneal fold, which drapes over the transverse colon and the coils of the small intestine, and contains a considerable amount of adipose tissue. Involuntary contraction of pharyngeal stage is the beginning stage of swallowing it begins with the passage of water into the oropharynx. When water enters the esophagus the esophageal stage begin where peristalsis occurs with coordinated contractions and relaxation of muscles to propel water into the stomach. With the bypass of the duodenum, Chyme cannot not periodically be forced through the pyloric sphincter in gastric emptying. The proteins will have difficulty being easily broken down into smaller molecules in the chemical digestion of proteins. By the enzyme Lipase. Rapid or major weight loss increases a persons risk of developing gallstones. These meals should be high in protein. We will write a custom essay sample on Case Study Chloe’s Story or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Because A change in diet, no longer consuming high fatty and high cholesterol foods. Yes. Nutritional deficiencies, like most iron and calcium is absorbed in the duodenum, the first part of the intestine that is bypassed by these operations. Calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis , and iron deficiency can cause anemia. Many vitamins and minerals are absorbed in the part of the small intestine bypassed by this surgery. The individual must commit to a lifetime of taking nutritional supplements to prevent serious vitamin and mineral deficiencies. A large number of microvilli in the small intestines greatly increases the surface area of the plasma membrane, larger amounts of digested nutrients can diffuse into absorptive cells. Most digestion and absorption occurs in the small intestine. Vitamin B12 must be combined with intrinsic factors produced by the stomach for its absorption by active transport in the ileum. Because it can or may be manifested as a variety of symptoms since B12 is widely used in the body. Severe fatigue may occur initially. Effects on the nervous system can be wide-ranging, and include weakness, numbness and tingling of the limbs, memory loss, confusion, delusion, poor balance and reflexes, hearing difficulties, and even dementia. Severe deficiency may appear similar to multiple sclerosis. Nausea and diarrhea are possible gastrointestinal signs. The anemia that results from prolonged deficiency may also be seen as a pallor especially in mucous membranes such as the gums and the lining of the inner surface of the eye. Megaloblastic anemia is a common result of inadequate B12. This condition can also result if a person stops secreting enough intrinsic factor in the stomach, a substance essential.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Introduction to International Business
Introduction Southwest Airlines Co. is one of the largest passenger air-carriers in the United States. This company started its operations in the year 1971 with 3 Boeing aircrafts, whose operating points were Dallas, Houston and San Antonio cities. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction to International Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More By the year 2008, Southwest Airlines Co. had grown very large, as it was by then operating more than 500 Boeing 537 aircrafts. As it has been revealed, this company one of the major economic boosters in US, since it contributes about 30% tax revenue made from the airlines industry. More so, Southwest airlines Co. offers about 27,000 employment opportunities in the United States. One of the main advantages experienced by this company in terms of cost is that, it mainly relies on Boeing 537 aircrafts (Brown, 2010). This paper presents analysis of the legal issues fac ing Southwest Airlines Co. As reported by Morrison Winston (2006), government policies in the airline industry have largely been impacting on the Southwest operations. With the establishment of competition law among business organizations, Southwest Airline Co. has been largely limited to form strategic alliances with other companies. Since the competition law considers market dominance through mergers and acquisitions as unhealthy practices, the company has for long been operating solely. According to Belobaba (2009), the new law on competition considers monopolies as illegal, in which business organizations should limit their alliances to avoid market dominance. Certainly, this Act on Competition has been quite significant in the operations within the Southwest Airline Co in order to avoid unnecessary fines due to violation of the competition law. Fiscal policies like high tax rates on the airline industry have impacted a lot in the industry. As a result, high air transport char ges, as well as reduced salaries and wages in the airline industry have been experienced in the industry. Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This has largely impacted negatively on Southwest Airlines Co since it was necessitated to retrench its employees as a result of the high taxes imposed by the government (Belobaba, 2009). However, the government has credibly improved the airline infrastructure to facilitate efficiency in the industry. Particularly, the government has established sophisticated airports and hotel services to ensure provision of quality services in the industry. Security systems have as well been reinforced to ensure safe air travels and counter terrorism successfully. According to Don (2007), the massive reinforcement of security in the airline industry has scarped off any fear that people had previously in the airlines as a result of terrorism. This reinf orcement of security has created larger market for the services offered by Southwest Airline Co, resulting into increased profits. It is important to note that, the company’s revenues declined by 40% after 09/11 attack, which resulted into huge losses. On this basis, the reinforcement of security in the international airports within US has facilitated increased income in the Southwest Airlines Co (Brown, 2010). Conclusion As it has been observed in the Southwest Airlines government and legal policies have largely been impacting its operations. With the establishment of the competition law, the company is largely limited to form mergers or acquire other companies to enhance its high market share through dominance and monopoly power. More so, fiscal policies like high taxes imposed in the airline companies have adversely affected the Southwest Airlines. Further, the reinforcement of security in the airports by the government has impacted positively in the Southwest Airlines C o. References Belobaba, P. (2009). The Global Airline Industry (Aerospace Series). Washington, DC: Wiley Publishers.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction to International Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Brown, J. (2010). The Southwest Airlines’ Strategy. International Airlines Journal, 72(5): 342-357. Don, P. (2007). Southwest Airlines Trends after 2009 Crisis. Business Quarterly, 21(7): 57-83. Morrison, S. Winston, C. (2006). The Trends in the Airline Industry. San Francisco: Brookings Institution Press. This essay on Introduction to International Business was written and submitted by user Centennial to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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