Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Lord Of The Flies Essays (999 words) - Fiction,
Lord Of The Flies Lord of the flies essay William Golding The Island is a microcosm of the evil we produce in the world today. Greed, power, domination are all factors of evil in the story line and in today's society. The first human instinct is survival. The fittest will survive, as in the book, and in today's world. For example, someone who is very skilled in math or physical feats may receive a scholarship pertaining to their skill. Taller and attractive people seem to get the better and higher paying jobs. Aborigines in Australia will eat grubs and insects to survive. We may find this repulsive but human instinct rules when we have no other options. Our human instinct also makes us frown upon people with undesirable traits such as obesity, poor eyesight or deformities. These people cannot fend for themselves as well as fitter people and die off so they may not reproduce. The fittest survive. The role of survival of the fittest was best described on (pg. 8) ?I can't swim on account of my asthma?. Piggy was already going down in the food chain of the island. Ralph was a tall attractive boy who had very good leadership skills. It is no wonder that he voted in as leader. Piggy can't defend himself . An example of this is (pg. 17) ?Shut up fatty.? Another example is when piggy wants to come with them up the mountain,(pg. 20), ? I'll come.? ? your no good for a job like this? .The boys on the island resorted to killing pigs with such savagery when they felt that they were hungry. When there is no order chaos arises. There are many examples of this in our society today. Riots happen when the people think they can get away with it. The number of people outweigh the number of authority figures. People hurt other people and steal. This is not something that would happen in an ordered society. All these people know what's right and wrong but their human instinct gets the better of them when they think they can get always with it. The same thing happened on the island. With no authority like the adults or (police) things turned into anarchy. They were trying to kill each other and ran around like savages just because they had no one to tell them they couldn't do that. There was a lot of emphasis that they were children and that is why this happened. That is simply not true. Look at my example above, people that riot have no authority to tell others to stop. You could compare that kind of behavior to what children would do if they were put in charge of the world. Today's society is full of bad leaders such as ?Sadam Husain? , ?Slobodam Molosovich? , ?Adolf Hitler? and many more. They lead their people with false ideals and hidden agendas. Their thirst for power killed thousands of people and caused grief and suffering for millions. Hitler killed millions of Jews and that is something the German people will have to live with for ever . Sadam Husain tried to take more land for his country and failed and made more people suffer. Molosovich didn't want to give up his rule over the Albanians and killed alot of them in the process. Jacks hunger for power grew just as these leader's hunger grew too. (pg. 140) ? I'm not going to be part of Ralph's lot? , ? I'm going off by myself..... Any one that wants to hunt when I do can come too?. Jack's power grew so great that he made the boys think that there was a beast which ultimately killed Simon. He didn't care when a big rock squished Piggy and to make things unbearable he tried to murder Ralph. Also there were many great leaders such as Bill Clinton (debatable), George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, John A MacDonald and more. These Leaders lead their people with great emphasis toward the minority and fought for equal rights. Bill Clinton puts bad leaders in their place, George Washington fought for the independence of America, Abraham Lincoln freed the Blacks from oppression and John A MacDonald fought for Canada to become a whole country. Jack was a great leader that kept
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Watergate Scandal Essays - Watergate Scandal, United States
Watergate Scandal Essays - Watergate Scandal, United States Watergate Scandal THE WATERGATE SCANDAL Watergate is a hotel in Washington D.C. where the Democratic National Committee held their campaign headquarters. The current president at the time was Richard M. Nixon, who was involved in the scandal himself and which lead to the cause of his resignation. The Watergate scandal should not have happened, but it did and it caused the American people to judge less of their government system. The scandal began on June 17, 1972, with the arrest of five men who were caught in the offices of the Democrats campaign headquarters. Their arrest uncovered a White House sponsored plan of espionage against the political opponents and a trail of intrigue that led to some of the highest officials in the land. The officials involved in the Watergate scandal were former U.S. Attorney General John Mitchell, White House Counsel John Dean, White House Chief of Staff H.R. Haldman, White House Special Assistant on Domestic Affairs John Ehrlichman, and President Nixon. On April 30, 1973, nearly one year after a grand jury investigation of the burglary and arrest of the people involved, President Nixon accepted the resignation of Haldeman and Ehrlichman and announced the dismissal of John Dean. Furthermore, U.S. Attorney General Richard Kleindienst resigned as well shifting the position to the new attorney general, Elliot Richardson. However, Elliot Richardson decided to put Harvard Law School professor Archibald Cox in charge of conducting a full-scale investigation of the Watergate break-in. Hearings were opened in May of 1973 by the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Activities with Senator Sam Ervin of North Carolina as the chairman. Suddenly, a series of startling revelations began as Dean testified that Mitchell had ordered the break-in and that a major attempt was under way to hide White House involvement. Dean also claimed that President Nixon had authorized payments to the burglars to keep them quiet. The Nixon administration denied any involvement in the scandal, but the testimony of White House aide Alexander Butterfield exposed Nixon and unlocked the entire investigation. On July 16, 1973, Butterfield told the committee, on nationwide television, that President Nixon had ordered a taping system to be installed in the White House to automatically record all conversations. With this what Nixon had said and when he had said it was on the tapes and these tapes could verify everything. Cox immediately exposed eight relevant tapes to the court to confirm Deans t estimony. Nixon refused to release the tapes, claiming that they were vital to the national security. Therefore, U.S. District Court Judge John Sirica ruled that President Nixon must give the tapes to Cox, and an appeals court upheld the decision. Nixon still refused to turn over the tapes and on Saturday, October 20, 1973, ordered Richardson to dismiss Cox. Richardson refused and resigned instead, as did Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus. Finally, the solicitor general discharged Cox. Suddenly, a storm of public protest occurred, thus leading to the Saturday Night Massacre. Nixon, in his defense, appointed another special prosecutor, Leon Jaworski, a Texas lawyer, and gave the tapes to Sirica. Unfortunately, some of the conversations were missing from the tapes and one tape had a mysterious gap of eighteen and a half minutes. Experts determined that the gap was the result of five separate erasures. Nevertheless, on March 1974, a grand jury indicated Mitchell, Haldeman, Ehrlichman, and four other White House officials for their part in the Watergate cover-up and named President Nixon as an unindicated co-conspirator. In the following month Jaworski requested and Nixon released written transcripts of forty-two more tapes. The conversations revealed an overwhelming concern with punishing political opponents and denied the Watergate investigation. On May 1974, Jaworski requested sixty-four more tapes as evidence in the criminal cases against the indicted officials. Nixon refused to turn over the tapes and on July 24, 1974, the Supreme Court voted 8-0 that Nixon must turn over the tapes. Thus, on July 29 and 30, 1974, the House Judiciary Committee approved three articles of impeachment, charging Nixon with misusing power in order to violate the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens, obstructing justice in the Watergate affair, and defying Judiciary Committee orders. Then on August 5, 1974, three tapes revealed that Nixon had, on June 23, 1972, ordered
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Stakeholder in the Information System Assignment - 31
Stakeholder in the Information System - Assignment Example Consulting stakeholders, when it comes to redesigning a new system, is extremely essential in a business (Lejk and Deeks 16). Stakeholders, in system analysis, are the individuals who determine the main requirements, which should be met by the whole system so as to meet the wants of the sponsors, customers, as well as the users. Also, the aim of redesigning a new system is to do away with the inappropriate technologies, which limit the productivity of the current system. Stakeholders, in system analysis, know the best technology, which will work appropriately with the new system (Lejk and Deeks 16). They can help design the proper system, which will assist them in their dealings. (iii) Consider the college-wide IT infrastructure. If you were a systems analyst in the college investigating wireless access, list a non-technical and technical user who you would consult as part of your investigation. For each user, outline three (3) issues you might want to discuss with them in an interview. Some of the issues that I could discuss with the non-technician user are how to interact with customers, who to interact with designers, as well as assisting programmers to during the design of the system. A non-technician user, to information systems, mainly deals with the nontechnical part of the system and who I could be maintained (Lejk and Deeks 27). Therefore, a nontechnical user will assist me in learning how to relate to clients and how to document their requirements, which are mainly used to create business requirements and dealings. Also, a nontechnical user will assist me in interacting with designers in order to understand the limitations of using system analysis (Lejk and Deeks 27). A technical user, in system analysis, on the other hand, would help me understand the technical part of system analysis (Lejk and Deeks 28). Some of the main issues, which I could ask the technical user, are how to plan a system flow from the beginning, how to perform a system testing and how to deploy the completed system. Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Gender and Politics in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Gender and Politics in America - Essay Example These reasoning’s parallel the social barriers women have endured throughout the ages. Those that rule whether they are the church, government or financial leaders, shape the laws and ideology of a society. Consequently, the rules of society favor those in power which has been predominantly male in composition. Until the printing press allowed for ideas to be widely and freely circulated, the patriarchal dominance was total. The language was the tool of oppression yet proved to instigate the beginnings of emancipation. The proliferation of knowledge permeated both genders thus aided in moving the balance of power slightly back toward the center. At about the time of the printing press’s invention, women in America generally did not attend school. Education led to the growth of economic independence for women which translated in the growth of political power. â€Å"Without economic power, women are denied honor and prestige. Economic power has important consequences for what women can, or cannot do in a society†. Throughout the history of much of the world including the regions where the English language originated and developed, society has been dominated and controlled by patriarchal rule. The resulting product of the language represents this dominance by means of categorizing the realities of society. Language establishes the boundaries of perception. Male references in everyday speech dominate language usage simply because males have historically dominated society and to a large extent still do.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
CBS news program Essay Example for Free
CBS news program Essay The broadcast news source that I watched was the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, which was a half hour evening broadcast. Couric sat behind a desk, facing the viewer the entire time. The top stories on this broadcast were the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the Kansas City tornadoes, and the â€Å"Make or Break†mission in Afghanistan. Each story received about five minutes of airtime. Couric narrated statistics of how much oil has leaked and the length of coastline that has been affected in Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico while live footage showed clean-up efforts taking place along the coast. The story was made relatable for the viewer by explaining that the amount of oil spilled is enough to cover all of New York City. It was lent credibility by an on-site reporter and correspondent that interviewed both local residents involved in the clean-up and with experts working to stop the oil leak. There was no attention paid to the source of the leak or to anyone being held responsible for the accident. The story about the tornadoes in Kansas City featured footage from a resident’s video camera of the funnel cloud approaching, along with local news footage of the damage to local homes and businesses. Couric, the on-site correspondent and a representative from the National Weather Service delivered their news in professional, almost formal tones. This gave the program the feel of being informed, but somewhat impersonal. The only statistics given were the death rate numbers, and the story ended by stating that more tornadoes were headed toward the area. Couric’s coverage of the â€Å"Make or Break†mission taking place in Afghanistan was the third top story. It discussed the efforts to reclaim the city of Khandahar from the Taliban and gave background information into previous operations in the war between the United States and the Taliban. In-depth explanations were given of where the US troops will go and what they will do. A correspondent reporting from the Pentagon made the story seem more credible, even as he explained President Obama’s reasoning behind the troop surge. The cable news source that I viewed was Fox News on the Fox News Network. It was hosted by Shepard Smith. This was also a half hour evening news broadcast. The top three stories on the show were the Kansas City tornadoes, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and the theft of a memorial cross for World War I veterans from a Mojave Desert monument. Air time for each top story was about five minutes, similar to Couric’s program. Shepard Smith delivered all of his dialogue standing and was positioned at various spots throughout the broadcast, as opposed to Couric who stayed seated. There were fast graphics, upbeat background music, and a news wire line across the bottom of the screen delivering more headlines during the top stories, all features not included in the CBS broadcast. The story about the Kansas City tornadoes lasted about five minutes. In included local news footage shot by a Kansas City news program, an in-studio commentator and weather expert that discussed the tornado system with Smith, and footage of local survivors describing what they had seen and heard and detailing the damage to their personal property. Statistics about deaths and injuries were given, and the segment ended with Smith saying that another storm system was on its way. When discussing the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Smith delved deeper into the Capital Hill investigation of BP, Transocean, and Halliburton in the attempt to determine which company was responsible for the accident. There was also more attention given to the tanker explosion that caused the accident and there was mention of the crew that died in the explosion, information that was not included in the CBS news program. This made the Fox coverage of the oil spill seem more informed and more personable. It was made more personable by Smith’s opinion that someone should be held accountable. The story about the World War I monument being stolen seemed more of a human interest story, and it was interesting that this was made a top story on the program. In discussing the theft of the monument that had stood in the Mojave Desert since 1934, Smith talked with a veteran that was coordinating an effort to have the monument recovered along with a legal correspondent that explained the ongoing debate over whether the monument should be allowed to be erected in the spot in the first place. Overall, the basic layout of the programs was the same. Each top story was given about five minutes of air time and each featured on-site correspondents, experts, video footage, and interviews. The Fox News broadcast was made more engaging with more music, a host that moved around and stood while he spoke, offered jokes and offhanded opinions about the news stories, and in-studio correspondents to discuss them. The CBS broadcast was more serious and toned-down, with Couric being the only correspondent in the studio, tamer graphics, and no news wire. I feel that both proved ample credibility with their straightforward delivery of the facts. But I feel that the Fox News broadcast was more personable and relatable because instead of just showing footage of what’s happening right now like the CBS program did, Fox’s program gave more background information and opinions from more individuals to help the viewer understand the issues and the stories better. Similarities were evident for the basic purpose of news delivery, but the differences occurred because of a different attitude towards the viewer.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Inherited and Environmental Influences on Development
Inherited and Environmental Influences on Development The environmental and inherited influences on development, also known as, nature and nurture both play key roles in the shaping of developmental processes. Nature refers to inherited or biological traits such as, abilities and capacities that are genetically passed down by ones parents. On the other hand, nurture refers to environmental influences that play a role in shaping our behaviors, such as methods of childrearing and other products of society. Differences in lateralization of the brain between males and females may be ascribed to both genetic differences in the corpus callosum, which is larger in women, and environmental factors; girls usually receive more extensive verbal encouragement than boys do. Both nature and nurture are theorized to be attributing factors that influence and shape development. Developmental Psychologists place strong emphasis on the belief that both nature and nurture are leading causes that influence and shape human behavior and development by either biological factors: nature, or environmental factors: nurture. 1. What are some inherited influences on development? 2. What are some environmental influences on development? 3. What role does socialization play as an environmental influence on development? Psychologists and developmental experts have been able to attribute the behaviors of an individual to particular influences on development that can be separated into two categories: inherited and environmental influences on development. What are some inherited influences on development? It is widely speculated that factors of inherited influence are more important than the environmental factors that affect a childs growth and development. Obviously we know that inherited biological factors do play a great role in shaping human development, this is a widely acknowledged fact. While this is true, one must still not disregard the significance of environmental influences in the early stages of growth and development. Many studies emphasizing the significance of inherited influences are, however, impossible to disregard or ignore. For example, it is almost universally accepted that a child faces biological risks in their mental and physical development when the mother smokes cigarettes during pregnancy. However, many would argue that you cannot directly attribute negative social behaviors to the mother smoking tobacco during pregnancy. According to research presented at the Behavior Genetics Association, there is uncertainty about why there are links between maternal smo king during pregnancy and offspring antisocial behavior. This uncertainty creates room for the argument that environmental influences can be attributed as the factor responsible for these negative behavioral developments. However, many scholars still argue that recent research and data indicates that findings differ for offspring antisocial behavior where the association with prenatal smoking appears to be entirely explained by inherited pathways that are not attributable to maternal antisocial behavior. This argument is strengthened by data presented at the Behavior Genetics Association in 2007, below is a graph of the findings. The research showed an increased rate of antisocial behaviors amongst the offspring of parents who smoked during pregnancy. (Rice, 2007) (PNAS, 2007) What are some environmental influences on development? The environmental impacts on ones behavior can often determine factors that will shape future behaviors. During critical and sensitive periods development can be greatly affected. Critical periods occur when the existence of certain types of environmental stimuli become necessary for development to continue conventionally. It is theorized that development during the critical period is easily influenced, specifically in the area of personality and social development. On the other hand, during sensitive periods the organism becomes particularly vulnerable to certain types of stimuli in their environment. Unlike critical periods, the absence of stimuli in a sensitive period does not always result in immutable consequences. What role does socialization play as an environmental influence on development? Societal influences are believed to play a large role on the environmental impacts of development. The way we have been socialized or conditioned is a response to environmental stimuli. For instance, gender is something socially constructed and society places expectations on individuals according to their gender, which will determine the roles they will later fulfill in society. A publication from U.C. Santa Cruz states the following of gender acquisition and the societal influences that are perpetuated around them. Gender stereotypes in infants are perpetuated by societys expectations and perceptions. Societal influences, preconceived notions and expectations enforce already existing gender stereotypesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦In the study of forty-eight children, their mothers, and 16 college students, gender based stereotypes influenced interaction with infants which in turn socialized the infants to conform to their respective gender role. Ratings of the female infants centered on their small size and beauty. Male infants are judged usually according to their ability and intelligence. While evidence of gender stereotyping in infant ratings are becoming less dominant after adolescence, sex stereotyping in adults behavior towards infants has changed little. Obviously, society shapes the gender stereotypes that both children and adults hold. (Rivera, 1996) Research by psychologists over the last several decades has increasingly pointed to hereditary factors being more important, especially for basic personality traits such as emotional tone. However, the acquisition of values, beliefs, and expectations seem to be due more to socialization and unique experiences, especially during childhood. (Oneil, 2006) Most psychologists and developmental specialists agree upon the fact that influences from both inherited and environmental elements are equally important to the construction of growth and development. However, certain behaviors and growth patterns are believed to result from greater attributes of environmental and inherited influences. Theoretical Perspectives Examining the Development of Children With (ADHD) Trends have shown that the amount of children in the United States diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, additionally known as (ADHD) over time has steadily increased among young children and adolescent youth. The exponential surge in diagnosis of ADHD has increased the amount of prescription drugs used to treat individuals. Issues surrounding these developments pose a multitude of questions that include: 1. How are applications of the theoretical perspectives of development examined to help understand disorders such as ADHD? 2. What are the associated risk factors of medications used to treat ADHD in children? The increasingly steady number of children being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the U.S has resulted in an array of developmental obstacles; the actual number of children diagnosed with ADHD remains unknown, as does the amount of those children that are being treated with prescription medications. How are Applications of the theoretical perspectives of development examined to help understand disorders such as ADHD? Theoretical perspectives that lifespan Developmentalists examine as they identify the different patterns of growth, change, and behavioral stability that take place in the duration of the entire lifespan help bring further understanding to behaviors and the possibly of treating undesired behaviors. Among these theoretical perspectives include, learning, language, cognitive, social, moral, and personality development. All of these perspectives can be applied to assist the understanding of behaviors including the behaviors of children with ADHD. A commonly used behavioral method for the treatment of ADHD is the approach of cognitive behavioral therapy. A definition for cognitive behavioral therapy has been provided by, the Mayo Clinic. With cognitive behavioral therapy, you work with a mental health counselor (psychotherapist) in a structured way, attending a limited number of sessions. By helping you become aware of inaccurate or negative thinking, cognitive behavioral therapy allows you to view challenging situations more clearly and respond to them in a more effective way (Mayo Clinic Staff). What are the associated risk factors of medications used to treat ADHD in children? An in depth analysis addressing the associated risks of prescription medications used to treat ADHD in children must be taken into strong consideration before any decisions are made to place that child on such medications. The most commonly prescribed drugs to both children and adults for the treatment of ADHD are stimulants. A publication from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concluded the following of children undergoing treatment for ADHD: NSCH does not assess use of ADHD treatments other than medicationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦thus, the number of children with reported ADHD diagnoses who received other types of treatments is not known. Studies indicate that the use of stimulants, prescribed to treat ADHD can lead to harmful side-affects. Not to mention the risk of becoming reliant upon, or even addicted to prescription stimulants. (Kennedy, 2005) Distinctions Separating Self-Concept and Self-Esteem The image that an individual perceives him or herself as is believed to greatly influence the social and cognitive development of that individual. The establishment of self-concept and self-esteem are two greatly influential aspects of a childs development. Environmental and inherited influences are theorized to have affect on the development of self-concept. Promotion of social development by parents or caregivers may substantially increase the likelihood of a child developing a positive self-esteem depending on variables such as nature and nurture of the situation. 1. What differences separate self-concept from self-esteem? 2. What are the theoretical perspectives on self-concept and self-esteem? 3. How can caregivers facilitate childrens development in these areas? The development of the self in early and middle childhood encompasses the growth of independent ideas and goals, which veer from expectations of the primary role models, the process where developments of social comparisons are made reflects ones self-concept, however, self-esteem refers to the way an individual perceives themselves through self evaluation; both are vital to social development and can be positively or negatively influenced by caregivers. What differences separate self-concept from self-esteem? The term self-concept refers to the perception regarding what one is like as an individual, and that individuals identity. The self-concept allows individuals to identify with specific characteristics of the self that allow them to differ from other individuals. For instance, a response to a question exemplifying ones individual strengths reflects ones self-concept, or identity. The development of self-concept is primarily used to reflect strengths perceived by an individual about his or her self that are used to provide meaning to their actions and purpose in life. In children, self-concepts may not be accurate; an individuals self-concept changes throughout life, this is dependant upon changes in a cultures views regarding others outside of their own, changes involving state institutions, and products of other societal and environmental influences. According to research found by William W. Purkry, author of: An Overview of Self-Concept Theory for Counselors. Highlights: An ERIC/CAP S Digest: Self-concept is learned. As far as we know, no one is born with a self-concept. It gradually emerges in the early months of life and is shaped and reshaped through repeated perceived experiences, particularly with significant others. (Purkey, 1988) The term self-esteem refers to an individuals overall and distinct positive and negative self-evaluation. Many important developments on an individuals self-esteem transpire during middle childhood. Throughout this phase, children experience the maturation of Internal standards. Which is often times the reason that children progressively compare themselves to others. For the majority of children, self-esteem increases as the transition from early childhood to middle childhood takes place. Feelings of inadequacy that relate to an individuals capacity to do most things takes place when that individuals self-esteem is negative. What are the theoretical perspectives on self-concept and self-esteem? There are a multitude of theoretical perspectives that give possible explanation to functions of self-concept and self-esteem. The Educational Resources Information center (ERIC) provides a publication of An Overview of Self-Concept Theory for Counselors, which identifies some of the influential theorists that have contributed to theories of self-concept. By far the most influential and eloquent voice in self-concept theory was that of Carl Rogers (1947) who introduced an entire system of helping built around the importance of the self. In Rogers view, the self is the central ingredient in human personality and personal adjustment. Rogers described the self as a social product, developing out of interpersonal relationships and striving for consistency. He maintained that there is a basic human need for positive regard both from others and from oneself. He also believed that in every person there is a tendency towards self-actualization and development so long as this is permitted and encouraged by an inviting environment. (p. 2) Some of the other theoretical perspectives of self-concept and self-esteem in development include: Piagets stages of cognitive development, Erik Eriksons psychosocial development, Carl Rogers conception of self, Vygotskys approach to cognitive development, Lawrence Kohlbergs development of social learning and moral reasoning, and Abraham Maslows theories on personality. Humanistic psychologist, Carl Rogers theorized that the self was divided into two parts, the real self and the ideal self. An article written by Herb Stevenson for Natural Passages, states the flowing of the ideal self vs. the real self. The ideal self is some fantasy that we carry around as a measure of what we might be if the fairy god mother ever shows up. Often, this is a picture of life, our life, that we have changed very little since childhood. By taking the time to really examine the depth of the ideal self, we see indirectly how we have judged or dismissed whom we are. The real self is a comparison to that ideal self. It is a description of who am I, really, right now. By comparing the ideal with the real, we begin to see the gaps in perception we have created, the judgments we have made about ourselves, and the gaps that could be preventing us from fully living our lives in the moment as the person that we truly are. (para. 3) The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill defines the concept of representational mapping as the following: Representational mapping can be described as the self-descriptions that are logical connections among components that can be made primarily concrete, overly positive, and all or nothing. They contain concrete and abstract components, more realistic (but still always positive: above average effect) shades of grey (Steps in self development). How can caregivers facilitate childrens development in these areas? The importance of promoting the development of a healthy self-esteem in children is an environmental influence on behavior that is greatly affected by parenting techniques. Parents and caregivers can facilitate childrens development in the areas of self-concept and self-esteem through childrearing styles. The most effective way to do so is through the implementation of authoritative childrearing techniques. Authoritative parents have the perfect balance of emotional support, warm and loving qualities; yet, they set clear boundaries for behavior. Certain techniques of parenting have proven to result in negative effects on a childs self-esteem. For instance, Authoritarian parents are extremely controlling and there word is the law, there is no toleration for expression of disagreement. Authoritarian parents enforce strict methods of discipline and punishment that negatively reinforce behaviors of that child, which is likely to result in an increase of the unwanted behaviors occurring a gain under the same circumstances. The use of positive and negative reinforcers when applied properly has been a proven method of modifying behaviors. The U.K. site Kids Behaviour provides useful information on how to properly apply positive and negative reinforcement to promote desired behavioral responses (Morrisey, 2008). Applying the childrearing approaches of reinforcement to daily activities can facilitate the development of both a positive self-esteem and self-concept. In the 2009 publication, Anderson, Hughes, and Fuemmeler addressed some of the specific issues that surround parental attitudes and child activity. The objective of this study examined the parental attitudes on children based on the particular types and levels of intensity in physical activity that children engaged in, which could give explanation to the gender differences associated with these activities, in addition to the evaluation of physical engagement serving as a mechanism to shorten time spent engaged in sedentary behaviors. A design of a community sample with participants, which included, 681 parents and 433 children of the mean age of 9.9 years conveyed the importance of activities such as moderate to vigorous intensity levels in the areas of team an individual activities including, sports, physical activity and household chores. (p. 428) As Anderson et al. (2009) conducted their evaluations separate structural models were used to determine factors that differed between boys and girls in relation to parental attitudes and physical activity. Separate structural models (LISREL 8.7) for girls and boys tested whether parental attitudes were related to child TV and computer via child attitudes, sport team participation, and physical activity, controlling for demographic factors. Main Outcome Measures: Child 7-day physical activity, sport teams, weekly TV, computer. Results: Parent- child attitude congruence was more prevalent among boys, and attitudes varied by ethnicity, parent education, and number of children. Positive parent- child attitudes for vigorous team sports were related to increased team participation and physical activity, as well as reduced TV and computer in boys and girls. Value of moderate intensity household chores, such as cleaning house and doing laundry, was related to decreased team participation and increased TV in boys. Only organized team sports, not general physical activity, was related to reduced TV and computer. Conclusion: Results support parents role in socializing childrens achievement task v alues, affecting child activity by transferring specific attitudes. Value of vigorous intensity sports provided the most benefits to activity and reduction of sedentary behavior, while valuing household chores had unexpected negative effects. (p. 428) Sexual Behaviors of Adolescents and the Associated Risks The adolescent years are characterized by the development of ones personal sense of identity. During this phase a transition from middle childhood to early adulthood takes place. In these years, young adults entering puberty explore an array of sexual behaviors that will play a role in shaping their sexual identities. With the exploration of such sexual behaviors follows the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy. 1. What associated risks are involved with sexual behaviors in adolescents? 2. What are the statistics of sexually transmitted diseases among teens? 3. What are the statistics of pregnancies among teens? As middle-childhood transitions into the adolescent years an array of physical, cognitive and social changes take place, these are main contributors to the sexual behaviors explored individuals in their adolescent years, however, there are associated risks with connected with these sexual behaviors that include, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy. What associated risks are involved with sexual behaviors in adolescents? The exploration of newly discovered sexual desires among adolescents come with repercussions. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), also known as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are common among teens. Another primary concern that surrounds the engagement of sexual activity in teens is the possibility of becoming pregnant. Precautionary measures to ensure safety when acting upon sexual urges and needs must be taken into consideration before any sexual contact is to occur. The enforcement of sex-ed in many public schools throughout the U.S decreases the chances of individuals acting upon sexual desires without first examining the risks, and increases likeliness of the use of condoms and other contraceptives. What are the statistics of sexually transmitted diseases among U.S. teens? One of the largest concerns surrounding the sexual voyages of adolescents is the threat of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Prepared by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, The Executive Summary, part of the Workshop Summary: Scientific Evidence on Condom Effectiveness for Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Prevention states that: Recently, a number of Federal agencies sponsored a workshop to answer the following question: What is the scientific evidence on the effectiveness of latex male condom-use to prevent STD transmission during vaginal intercourse? This workshop was attended by 180 persons, and the data from numerous peer-reviewed published studies were discussed. Following the workshop, a panel of 28 experts worked to develop this report. (p. 1) In the United States, more than 65 million individuals are living with an STD, the majority of which are incurable viral infections. Approximately 15 million new sexually transmitted infections occur annually in the U.S. In the United States, approximately 493,000 individuals have died from AIDS, and 800,000-900,000 peopleare living with HIV disease. (p. 1) AIDS (ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME) is one of the primary causes of death among youth. AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease that is induced by the HIV virus. There is no known cure for the disease. A basic list of facts regarding the contraction of the HIV virus was provided by, the Palo Alto Medical Foundation. HIV can be passed from person to person if someone with HIV infection has sex with or shares drug injection needles with another person. It also can be passed from a mother to her baby when she is pregnant, when she delivers the baby, or if she breast-feeds her baby. HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is found in blood, semen, vaginal fluids and breast milk. HIV is spread most often by having sex without using a condom, or by sharing needles. People can be infected with HIV without knowing it. An HIV test is the only way to know for sure. There are treatments that help people with HIV stay healthier, but there is still no cure. Choosing not to have sex and never sharing needles are good ways to protect yourself. Practicing safer sex means always using a new condom with a water-based lubricant. You cannot get HIV from shaking hands, water fountains, bathrooms or eating utensils. (Alto, 2010) In 2009, 46% of high school students had ever had sexual intercourse, and 14% of high school students had had four or more sex partners during their life.1 In 2009, 34% of currently sexually active high school students did not use a condom during last sexual intercourse.1 In 2002, 11% of males and females aged 15-19 had engaged in anal sex with someone of the opposite sex; 3% of males aged 15-19 had had anal sex with a male.2 In 2002, 55% of males and 54% of females aged 15-19 had engaged in oral sex with someone of the opposite sex.2 In 2006, an estimated 5,259 young people aged 13-24 in the 33 states reporting to CDC were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, representing about 14% of the persons diagnosed that year.3 Each year, there are approximately 19 million new STD infections, and almost half of them are among youth aged 15 to 24.4 In 2002, 12% of all pregnancies, or 757,000, occurred among adolescents aged 15-19.5 (Rowe, 2010) What are the pregnancies statistics among U.S. teens? An epidemic surrounding teenage pregnancy has emerged in America; every day in the U.S. a high volume of adolescents give birth. The statistics of teen pregnancy seem to appear much lower in other industrialized nations. Teens in the U.S. are likely to use birth control. The narrow-mindedness that surrounds the practice of premarital sex in the U.S. can be rooted to a lack of sex education. According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, teen pregnancy among girls between the ages of 15-19 have shown trends that have decreased by 37 percent between 1988 and 2005. However, the teen pregnancy rate between 2005 and 2006 increased 3 percent. Proper sex education has proven to be one of the most effective measures of reducing the risks among youth of contracting STDs and teenage pregnancy. Promoting proper awareness through sex education provides individuals with the information needed to practice the measures of safe sex (Henshaw, 2010). Life Expectancy Calculations According to the calculations provided by MSNs life expectancy calculator, my approximate life expectancy is 86 years of age. The positive and negative factors of my lifestyle were examined. (Msn, 2011) 1. What lifestyle modifications can be made to increase my longevity? 2. Who are the youngest and oldest people you have known, and what lifestyle choices attributed to their longevity? A variety of important developmental components of physical and mental health are main attributers to the longevity of ones lifespan, some of these factors depend on levels of stress, personality type, engagement in physical activity, in addition to, a variety of behavioral and genetic predispositions that are theorized to influence the human lifespan. What lifestyle modifications can be made to increase my longevity? Stress has a large impact on health factors that include, personality type. Type A personalities are believed to be more prone to the disposition of heart disease. Listed below are some of the personality traits of type A and type B personalities, provided by the website, which provides further information in regard to these associated health issues. The Type A personality generally lives at a higher stress level. This is driven by They enjoy achievement of goals, with greater enjoyment in achieving of more difficult goals. They are thus constantly working hard to achieve these. They find it difficult to stop, even when they have achieved goals. They feel the pressure of time, constantly working flat out. They are highly competitive and will, if necessary create competition. They hate failure and will work hard to avoid it. They are generally pretty fit and often well-educated (a result of their anxiety). The Type B personality generally lives at a lower stress level and are typically: They work steadily, enjoying achievements but not becoming stressed when they are not achieved. When faced with competition, they do not mind losing and either enjoy the game or back down. They may be creative and enjoy exploring ideas and concepts. They are often reflective, thinking about the outer and inner worlds (Type A and type B). Unfortunately I carry more characteristics of the type A personality, which predisposes me to such health complications later in life that are associated with type A personalities. Although, I cannot change my entire personality, there are, however, certain behavioral modification techniques I can apply to everyday life to reduce specific stressors. I carry certain tendencies that border obsessive-compulsive behaviors, which is a common characteristic of type A personalities. These obsessive behaviors are stressors that can be controlled through behavior modification techniques, such as cognitive behavioral therapy. Who are the youngest and oldest people you have known, and what lifestyle choices attributed to their longevity? The longest living individual I have known personally would have to be my great-grandmother on my fathers side who lived to the age of 87, which is close to the approximation of my life according to the lifespan calculator. She was always a physically active individual that enjoyed the simplicities in life. Her laidback attitude leads me to say that she had a type B personality. The youngest person in my life that has died was caused by something that could have been prevented. I was a small child at the time, but twenty-eight year old Mark, my fathers closest friend suffered from an addiction to heroin that engulfed his entire existence. His addiction caused him to contract the HIV virus, which soon after turned into full-blown AIDS that facilitated the slow deterioration leading to his death less than two years after contracting the virus. It is unknown whether he contracted the virus through sharing of needles, or having unprotected sex. Thee use of hard narcotics such as heroin would have eventually lead to death if measures were not taken to control the addiction. However, the lifestyles often associated with drug addicts follow a set of lifestyle influences put forth by peers. Addicts often associated with addicts and share things like needles and engage in unprotected sex, which is an unfortunate cause of death affecting many individuals that suffer f rom such disorders as drug addiction.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Heart Disease Essay
Our body is composed of many organs and all of those organs are important. One of them is our heart. Heart played a great role in our body because it pumps the blood coming from our vessels throughout the parts of our body. Though there are still some people who are over using their hearts that can lead to some major heart problems. These problems are like heart attack, malfunction of our heart or even slowing of our heart rate. These kinds of heart problems can also be develop thru some diseases like diabetes and obesity. Obesity can occur because of lack in health or food diet and also lack of exercise everyday. Balance diet and lifestyle like exercising is a good habit to avoid obesity. Thought, thru this many things we are doing in this life it seems to be so complicated. From the day we wake up until to our work and back again at night. Yet, our heart can never be compare for what id did for us, working 24 hours a day, 7 times a week, 30 days a month and so on. For this reason, it was found out that unusual feelings or emotions may lead to some malfunction of our heart. Emotional stress is one of the problems due to some problems like in our family, work, or even in our personal relationship. If emotional stress often occurs to our self, it may produce various transient cardiovascular responses leading to some changes like heart rate then eventually develop to heart disease like heart attack. Then, changes in our heart rate will lead to risk for high blood and improper function of our heart. For this reason, we need to learn how to manage our stress to lesser the risk of heart failure. We need to realize that being frustrated or disappointed to little things like for example, giving other meaning on what we see or hear from other people may cause stress. For this instance, it is advice to always look on both parties and truly accept the opinions of others to lesser the tension that may lead to stress. Giving time for our self like walking around and having some exercise everyday may be a better help. Making negative things to positive way and being calm in every criticism we hear is a good help in relieving our emotions to stress. We need also to learn that we are the one who take control of our selves, that we have the choice if we let those negative things destroy us or make us better. Depression and hopelessness like being alone and losing faith and hope in things will not help to solve our problem instead may affect our heart and sometimes may lead to heart attack. Though there are times that it may also lead to develop some other diseases like diabetes and obesity that can increase risk in heart problem. Emotional trauma due to some death, accident and even because of different abuses can also trigger the risk of heart failure or even death. Since the person may also undergo in depression and hopelessness at this stage and for that reason they need accompaniment. If these cases occur, we need to ask some professional help or advices from a doctor because this kind of problems are too serious and need some attention from a professional person to avoid more complicated things to happen. For the reason that emotional problems is the leading reason of heart failure, doctors have advices that we need to be aware in everything we do, say or act even its physically, mentally or emotionally because it can affect our health in different way like heart failure. Doctors also recommended that the physiological factors that affect our health can never be cure or solve by other people instead by our selves only. People have different way in controlling ourselves and it only depends on us how to manage and handle it. We need to realize that sometimes, thinking too many especially unnecessary things may affect our emotions. We also need to always remember that if we allow those feeling to overcome us, it can just destroy us because it gives a lot of problems to us like health problems and in reality we can just let those bad thought to just pass away. We need to always remember that we are not on the world of imagination or thinking impossible things instead we are in a real world that even its complicated, its worthwhile living because its real. Painful and disabling headaches seem to be ignored to be just a simple one but in reality it needs much attention. It is because it can develop to some more complicated diseases that can more damage our brain system like migraine which can affect both sides of our brain that bring a lot of pain called headache. Too much and continues headache without paying attention by the person experiencing it  brought by migraine can damage our health that can lead to brain damage or even tumor in our brain that can cause to a death of one’s patient. Headache is also accompanied by vomiting, nausea and sensitivity to noise, smell and light. If one person is experiencing migraine, he/she can be experiencing â€Å"aura†that includes dizziness, double vision and changes in your vision while others can also experience migraine without aura call common migraine. One person can have a migraine through his/her heritage, it can also develop through the hard activities we had, through alcohol consumptions, through little or too much sleep, also through women who undergo menstruation and sometimes thru the psychological influences that our lifestyle brought to us. Though even researchers haven’t yet prove the psychological influences it brought in developing migraine, but still the factors that have been considered played a great role in curing or preventing migraine. Examples of these psychological influences are thinking of negatives things, frightening, angry, self demeaning and thinking a lot of unnecessary things. Thru these feelings, stress and depression may occur that can more trigger the migraine of one’s person because it affects our brain system. It affects our brain system because migraine is developed through out brain that leads to headache and if our brain is over work already plus more the things that we are thinking or experiencing, it can more trigger our migraine. These things are the psychological factors that influence a lot the development of migraine is one’s person. Treatments for this kind of disease is still undergoing research for scientist and doctors but some medicine like painkillers is been using for the patients because it can lower down the pain that the patient is experiencing. Though, through those psychological factors in developing migraine, treatment or even prevention can be applied. Doctors have found out that having a good lifestyle can be a good solution in curing or even preventing migraine. Example, having a good and right diet in the foods that we are eating can be a good key to have good nutrient for our body to fight for those bacteria’s and viruses that are causing migraine. Having a lifestyle also that is full of love and patient can be a good process in preventing anger and negative feeling to be in our thoughts that can lead to stress and even depressions. In conclusion, though psychological factors are not yet proven in preventing or curing migraine, it still played a great role in some major health problems we are experiencing like heart problem. Psychological factors also is a very safe way in having a good health because it doesn’t involve any taking of medicine because we all know that even good medicines have side effects. Psychological factors also a good key in preventing those diseases because those psychological aspects that may lead to some disease can be prevented by our own selves only. It is just through our self control to the things we are doing, saying, acting or even thinking. It is just a matter of self discipline in all things that we are doing. We need to remember that if we like to have good health, we need to take care of our self too. Health is never been precious than any things in this world. So, let’s take care of our self to prevent those diseases in destroying us. REFERENCES
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Destination: Costa Rica Essay
Folks, in just a short while, you will all be going to Switzerland. Yes, you heard me right, Switzerland. If you think you are in the wrong group of tourists, then you are mistaken because you are all going to the Switzerland of Central America, Costa Rica. Indeed Costa Rica has sometimes been likened to Switzerland because of the nation’s â€Å"comfortable lifestyle, peaceful democracy and overwhelming natural beauty†(Firestone et. al 20). Furthermore, Costa Rica is home to over four million Ticos – this is what Costa Ricans call themselves. You can consider yourselves lucky to have the opportunity to get a taste of what Costa Rica offers because this country is known to be the most user-friendly nation in Central America. This means plenty of cheap buses that can take you to the most beautiful tourist spots, several accommodations waiting to make you feel at home, and a multitude of decent eateries and restaurants in most corners of the country. However, since Costa Rica boasts of a higher standard of living compared to its neighboring countries, prices tend to be slightly higher. Yet do not fret, this only means you are certain to experience quality goods and services throughout the country (Firestone et. al 20-22). Moreover, Costa Rica is the third smallest country in Central America, with a land area of 19,730 square miles. It is actually a bit smaller than West Virginia so you can visit all the places in your itinerary in just a short period of time. Furthermore, the country is bounded by Nicaragua in the north, Panama in the south and southeast, the Caribbean Sea in the northeast, and the Pacific Ocean in the west and southwest. It is further defined by three geographical regions, namely, the Pacific lowlands with steep cliffs and narrow white beaches; the central highlands with temperate and populous basins; and the Caribbean lowlands with flat plains and flowing streams. Though this naturally rich country is a tropical one, the best time to visit is in the summer or â€Å"verano†by the end of the year. Nonetheless, if you wish to know what their wet season feels like, then go there in the middle of the year to experience winter or â€Å"invierno. In addition, whether in â€Å"verano†or in â€Å"invierno,†one can never go wrong with Costa Rica’s flora and fauna. Tropical rainforests, tropical dry forests, and coastal vegetations, and various species of amphibian and reptiles, mammals, birds, and insects (Foley & Cooke, 7-17) – these just depict the beauty and richness nature blessed Costa Rica with. Looking back in time, the Spanish were the first to be captivated by t his richness. In fact, they optimistically referred to the country as the â€Å"Rich Coast†when they began settling in the region in 1522, thinking that it holds several gold and other mineral reserves. Yet they only found little and so they shifted to agriculture. Moreover, together with other provinces in Central America, Costa Rica declared independence from Spain in 1821, after almost three centuries of ruling. These newly-independent provinces formed an alliance. Because of border disputes though, the federation failed to thrive so Costa Rica withdrew and declared its sovereignty in 1838. The years that followed were smooth-sailing with a peaceful democracy beginning in 1899. This positive development persists up to this very day with only two notable disruptions – one in 1917-19 when Federico Tinoco governed with dictatorship and the other in 1948 when Jose Figueres led an armed uprising following a doubtful presidential election (US Department of State). Hence, Costa Rica has since been peaceful, not to mention, progressive. A close look at its economy would reveal that it has enjoyed a stable economic growth before the global economic crisis. Instrumental to this growth are the country’s export commodities such as coffee, sugar, and beef as well as the widening trade of industrial and specialized agricultural products. Moreover, Costa Rica has kept its 15 to 20 percent poverty rate for almost 20 years. In addition, foreign investors are attracted to enter the country because of its political stability, high quality of education, and fiscal incentives. Needless to say, tourists like you, who are attracted to the rich biodiversity of the country, contribute greatly to the economy as ecotourism continues to develop and strengthen (Central Intelligence Agency). This ecotourism of Costa Rica is in fact one of the country’s fastest improving sector (Tourist Spots Organization). In fact, the government has signed various trade agreements with other countries. Who knows, this trip of yours may be a product of one of those agreements. So once you land in Costa Rica, either through the international airport Juan Santamaria in San Jose or the Daniel Oduber in Liberia (Costa Rica Tourism), your first instinct would be to go directly to that tourist spot of your choice. Well in this case Costa Rica has plenty, from national parks to mountains and volcanoes, from beaches to cultural sites – Costa Rica has these options and more that would suit various tastes. For those who want to head out straight to the waters, Cocos Island and Puerto Viejo Beach are just two options. A choice of water sports such as kayaking, surfing, and scuba diving as well as rich marine life await visitors in these top spots. For those who wish to witness the natural wonder of the country at its best, try Tortuguero National Park and Tenorio Volcano National Park. For the nature lovers, a trip to Poas Volcano to see the two crater lakes may be an option. For the adventurous ones, rock climbing and hiking in Chirripo Mountain may be the perfect activities. For the animal lovers, Monteverde Reserve, which houses the extinct gold toad as well as squirrels, wild pigs, and porcupines, may just be the right place. For those who want to see two attractive spots in one location, the Area de Conservacion Guanacaste, which comprises of the Junquillal Bay Wildlife Refuge and the Rincon de la Vieja National Park, may be the best spot. For those who wish to spend a quiet time in the city, the Teatro Nacional de Costa Rica may offer the peace you long for (Tourist Spots Organization). However, in visiting these marvelous tourist spots, it is important that you get to know Ticos in order to deal with them well. For one, they opt to think small, go slow, and avoid risks, anxiety, and overwork. They also put high value to their families and tend to give them favored treatments. They likewise have a strong belief on equality than most Latin Americans and further hold a strong sense of personal honor and dignity regardless of their social status. Hence, it is very important to note that you need to avoid embarrassing another person especially in public. Moreover in decision-making, a consensus is more likely to happen, which sometimes slows down the process. Hence, showing of impatient attitude is discouraged and lowers credibility. Furthermore, as time and deadlines may be flexible, be tolerant and understanding of delays and put in mind that courtesy and enjoyment are more important than time. Remember to address Ticos properly with Mr. /Senor, Mrs. Senora, or Miss/Senorita plus the last name. Also, avoid resting your feet on any furniture but footstools. Finally, when you decide to head out to the beach, shorts for men will do while too much revealing clothes for women will not (qtd. in Tacey, 1-3). With these, I hope you now have a clear picture of what your tour to the Switzerland of Central America will be like; yet no lecture or discussion of the place would surpass the real thing. So make the most out of what Costa Ri ca can offer and be sure to enjoy.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Baseball Strike
On August 12, 1994 professional baseball players went on strike for the eighth time in the sports’ history. Since 1972, negotiations between the union and owners over contract terms has led to major economic problems and the absence of a World Series in 1994. All issues were open for debate due to the expiration of the last contract. Until 1968, no collective bargaining agreement had ever been reached between the owners and the players (Dolan 11). Collective bargaining is the process by which union representatives for employees in a bargaining unit negotiate employment conditions for the entire bargaining unit (Atlantic Unbound). Instead, the players were at the mercy of each owner who possessed the exclusive right, at the close of each season, to resign each player on his roster. If the owner chose to renew a players contract, that player had the option of agreeing to those terms or not playing baseball. As a result of the obvious imbalance in the labor situation, the players attempted on several occasions to organize a union. Although this process may seem like a simple one, baseball has proven that it can be very difficult. The players have been represented by various unions in the twentieth century, all of which have failed until the current union, the Major League Baseball Players Association. After fourteen years of negotiations between the current union and the owners’ representative, the first ‘basic labor agreement’ between the two parties was reached. Led by Marvin Miller in 1968, the players received higher minimum salaries, better health insurance plans, and increases in retirement benefits. These so called â€Å"Basic Agreements†in major industries usually turn out to be more complex. As a result, strikes and lockouts have occurred ever since (Koppett 23). The baseball strike which occurred in 1994 was really about one thing; money. Two major issues led directly to the interruption and eventually the cancellatio... Free Essays on Baseball Strike Free Essays on Baseball Strike On August 12, 1994 professional baseball players went on strike for the eighth time in the sports’ history. Since 1972, negotiations between the union and owners over contract terms has led to major economic problems and the absence of a World Series in 1994. All issues were open for debate due to the expiration of the last contract. Until 1968, no collective bargaining agreement had ever been reached between the owners and the players (Dolan 11). Collective bargaining is the process by which union representatives for employees in a bargaining unit negotiate employment conditions for the entire bargaining unit (Atlantic Unbound). Instead, the players were at the mercy of each owner who possessed the exclusive right, at the close of each season, to resign each player on his roster. If the owner chose to renew a players contract, that player had the option of agreeing to those terms or not playing baseball. As a result of the obvious imbalance in the labor situation, the players attempted on several occasions to organize a union. Although this process may seem like a simple one, baseball has proven that it can be very difficult. The players have been represented by various unions in the twentieth century, all of which have failed until the current union, the Major League Baseball Players Association. After fourteen years of negotiations between the current union and the owners’ representative, the first ‘basic labor agreement’ between the two parties was reached. Led by Marvin Miller in 1968, the players received higher minimum salaries, better health insurance plans, and increases in retirement benefits. These so called â€Å"Basic Agreements†in major industries usually turn out to be more complex. As a result, strikes and lockouts have occurred ever since (Koppett 23). The baseball strike which occurred in 1994 was really about one thing; money. Two major issues led directly to the interruption and eventually the cancellatio...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Last Supper essays
Last Supper essays Da Vinci's "Last Supper" is a priceless piece of art with much hidden meaning. Under the study of Verrocchio as a painter and a sculptor, he was able to use his skills in creating a very detailed and a very naturalistic piece of work that would be remembered for hundreds of years. He was also able to create characters with amazing individuality. Not only was his portrayal of the characters magnificent, but also the symbolism he used which emphasized the story being told in the "Last Supper". Lodovico Sforza chose Da Vinci to create "The Last Supper" in the refectory of the Dominican Church of St. Maria delle Grazie in Milan. The Abate of the St. Maria delle Grazie saw Da Vinci work from morning until night on "The Last Supper" without eating or much sleep. Although there were times he would stop painting for days at a time, or would work on a specific character for just a few moments and then leave to continue working on it later; He ended up worked on it from 1495 thru 1498. Before Da Vinci began painting the actual portrait, he put down a substance, which was suppose to absorb the tempora and protect the tempora from the moisture on the wall. Unfortunately, the substance was proven unsuccessful, and by 1517 it began to deteriorate. In May 1556 a painter Giovanni Batista Armenini said that the painting was so badly affected that nothing is visible but a mass of blots. The painting has continued to decay in the following centuries. It was further damaged by restorations made by careless artists and by the addition of a doorway put in the lower part of the painting. Yet even to this day his painting "The Last Supper" is widely known and visited by many tourists each year. The remembrance of the "Last Supper" could be due to the sacredness of the parting meal. It is quite obvious that the skill used in the creation of the "Last Supper" was magnificent. Although, the way Da Vinci allows its viewers to depict the scene from a ...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
For the Love of Water Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
For the Love of Water - Essay Example Major bodies and political institutes have gained control over the water distribution channels of the world and are making a lot of money at the expense of the poor persons. Water has now turned into an expensive commodity that can only be afforded by the well off while the rest have to do with spring water, or even dirty ditch water. Positive and negative externalities There are positive and negative externalities as far as water supply is concerned. The positive externalities are; the suppliers of the water are making millions as the commodity is in demand since we cannot do without water. It is the big corporations that are gaining from this business. These corporations are headed by persons who are believed to be associated with the World Bank. So as the World Bank imposes regulations on countries concerning the privatization of water supply then these corporations cash in. Privatization Privatization being the transfer of the ownership or business title to the private sector has turned the water supply system into a mess. Initially as the governments would supply water through their own ministries, there was sanity in the industry. As time went by, pressures have been exerted especially on the developing countries to privatize the water supply systems. Initially, the private sectors made the people believe that they were out to help them have water supply but this was not the case. It is common sense that as these companies supply water, they are in business and would want to make an extra coin for their investors. Privatization was meant to equip the cities with portable water and sewerage which did happen but only to those people who could afford the change. A lot of people who earn very little couldn’t afford the change and thus have to do with well water or borehole water where available. In other places in the world, the private sector connected water then charged for the water supply or consumption that people use. When these people are not ab le to pay for the water, it is cut off. These people have now turned rebellious and are reconnecting the pipes themselves to get the water. Some do this in the night. Advantages of privatization. Privatization though considered a bad omen by the people especially of the developing countries has its own advantages though not many. It has created employment as these corporations set up firms in these countries to supply water. These firms also contract persons to do the piping and sewerage construction, thereby creating money making avenues for the people on the ground. With the coming of the pipe water, it is believed that the rate of people getting water borne diseases was reduced as these water supplying corporations cleaned and disinfected the water. According to FLOW (2013) bad and infected water kills more than even AIDS and other diseases. Privatization was also a God sent blessing to the water bottling companies as the rate at which people are taking bottled water is very high and it created a booming business. To the people that were able to pay, sewerage and piped water is a blessing as compared to fetching water at a river or borehole. Disadvantages of privatization With these advantages came many disadvantages. People are excluded from portable water in cities. They don’t have water nor the money to buy the basic commodity. The kind of wages that these people get cannot allow them to have all the water that they would require to live healthy lives. They have to make do with very little water and do all they need to with this. What they can do away with like bathing daily, and cleaning their clothes, they don’t do on a daily basis but just when it is really necessary. The private water suppliers have neglected them. For these suppliers it is just
Friday, November 1, 2019
Idea of the cell first assignment MAM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Idea of the cell first assignment MAM - Essay Example Since Hooke had only observed a dead protoplast and microscopes at that time were primitive, majority of the microbiologists were not convinced that all living things are composed of cell. It was only in the 19th century that the formal study of cell theory developed (including cell biology and cell division) because of the advancement made in modern microscopes. Together with Hooke, Aristotle, Grew and Malpighi, Leeuwenhoek, H.J. Dutrochet, M.I. Schleiden and T. Schwann, R. Virchow, and Louis Pasteur have contributed to the development of cell theory. In this paper, we will focus on the cell theory made by M.I. Schleiden and T. Schwann. At the beginning of the 19th century, Schleiden and Schwann outlined the basic features of cell theory. Schleiden found out that all plant cells have similar structure while Schwann noted that animal cells don’t have cell wall (Roy, 169). Their cell theories have also explained the nature of single-celled organisms called protozoa. The image below shows the cell that were examined by Schleiden and Schwann during the 19th century (refer to Figure 1.1.). Schleiden and Schwann’s Cell Theory started from the scientists’ strong refusal to accept the ‘Preformationists’ perspective. Preformationists state that organisms have pre-existing form and its characteristics are inherited from their previous cells (Cantor et al., 360). Instead, Schleiden, Schwann and the other scientists sorted to epigenesist – the belief that cells emerged anew and are influenced by the internal and external environment. They proposed that both plant and animal cells underwent the same processes and therefore, must fundamentally have generally set of characteristics. According to Schleiden, plant cells are formed by observing the following processes: Schleiden insisted that his theory must be considered as an absolute law
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