Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Materials Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Materials Engineering - Essay Example Many times, efforts would go in vain resulting into honeycombed elements upon removal of the formwork. In conventional concreting process, not only is there a chance of segregation and honeycombing in the concrete structural element, but also, chances that concrete would not even approach certain corners are quite fair causing steel to be exposed to open air and facilitating rusting and hence an altogether loss of strength of the structural member. This together with other difficulties in the preparation of conventional concrete and the exaggerated length of time and effort consumed in vibrating it called for a need to have such a model of concrete that would not require vibration to uniformly reach every corner in the element. Also, vibration was a tedious process and required effort of a large crew that would add a lot to the total cost of concreting. In addition to that, vibrated concrete leads to differential compaction and hence, varying durability along the length of the member . In response to these problems, after years of research and experimentation, engineers came up with such a model of concrete that did not require any vibration and was intrinsically self compacting in nature. Today, use of self compacting concrete is widely employed in structures and elements of dense and complicated reinforcement design. â€Å"Self-compacting concrete was first developed in 1988 to achieve durable concrete structures.† (Okamura and Ouchi, 2003). Because of the manifold enhancement in its performance, self compacting concrete (SCC) is also referred to as high performance concrete (HPC). HPC can be defined as, â€Å"Concrete that meets special performance and uniformity requirements that may not always be obtained using conventional ingredients, normal mixing procedures and typical curing practices.† (American Concrete Institute, 1997). The requirements that ACI refers to include but are not limited to ease of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Climate Change - Essay Essay Example for Free

Climate Change Essay Essay In the present-day society, the human race is advancing at a staggering rate. However, at the meantime, the environment has been polluting with the high-tech. The most obvious is climate warming. Therefore, we should protect the environment at once. In my opinion, the causes of the climate change are multiple. Firstly, some people have not the realized the environment which has been polluted, so they have not the awareness to protect the environment, and even damage the environment. And some of people realized it, but they have no ability to give some contribution for the environment. And another people who have the ability to protect the environment, but it will have some conflict for their benefit. Hence, the government should cultivate the sense of protecting the environment to citizens. Secondly, some large industries are not control the emissions which led to the climate warning. So the authorizes must scrutinize the industries and encourage them to protect the environment. On the other hand, the government ought to draw more laws to punishment the industries which destroy the environment. Overall, the government is a very important role to arrest the climate warming. Today, China is advancing at a staggering rate in some of areas. For example, politics, economic, and culture. In politics, we have a good relationship with the whole world. The mind of peaceful from our country has been accepted by the whole world. Our country is the one of security council members. In economic, we have many trades with some developed country, for example, America. It led to our economic developing very fast. In culture, culture is very important for a country, we have a long history  about 5000 years. So our country is an unlack of country. We are very proud of this. Well, the causes†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦are multip. For example, in our country, you know, we have many many people who need to meet resources. You know the resources is limited, therefore resources and population are the important factor for developing countries. Furthermore, some resources have not been fully utilized, because of the technology. So most of resources have been wasted. For example, Japan recycle some of resources from China, and rework them, Japan have gotten many profits from Chinese resources. So I think the technology is an important factor as well. In the end, education is very very important factor. You know the education depend on the country’s future. However, in China, the university rankings

Saturday, October 26, 2019

El Gringo :: essays research papers

El Gringo   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Way back before there was such a thing as toothpaste, there lived a man by the name of Jesse Pruitt. Jesse Pruitt was not your typical young man. Although he was of normal size, six foot 165 pounds, he had immeasurable strength. When he was a baby he was able to life objects three times his weight. For example when he was only ten months old he picked up his older brother, Wayne, and threw him clear across the yard. From then on his strength only grew his age. Although he had this amazing strength, he did not like to show it off much because he did not like the attention that came along with it. Not to say he was a shy guy he was just very humble. Well that is until one day he up and left his family in Virginia and explored his way to a little piece of land called Tejas. Now Tejas had never been intruded upon by a white man or any other ethnicity for that matter other than Hispanic. But nothing got in the way of the determination of ole Jesse.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jesse road his horse, Stick, from Virginia to Tejas in only 8 days. Though he was a little nervous about invading the land of Tejas, Jesse decided that he was going to go in there and just be a happy-go-lucky kind of guy and make friends with all of the natives there. The very first people Jesse and Stick stumbled upon was a group of natives that consisted of about 350 people who called themselves El Jefe. Although they were the smallest â€Å"tribe† in Tejas, the refused to be known by anything other than â€Å"The Boss.† To make a long story short the tribe of El Jefe was a very accepting group and ended up nicknaming Jesse and called him El Gringo or Gringo. In their time together Jesse would teach the natives new techniques about hunting and even introduced to them the idea about bathing. In return the natives would teach their Gringo about such things as making clothes out of animal skin, new was to cook things over an open flame and how play a wooden flute. Needless to say, the natives and Jesse were meant to be.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although Jesse had been with the natives for almost six years, Jesse had not revealed his amazing strength and he had no intention of sharing his secret.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Landscapes from the Age of Impressionism

Born in Florence, Italy having American parents, the most flourishing portrait painter during his time John Singer Sargent becomes a part of an exhibition at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, through his eye-catching landscapes and masterpieces. During his time, the world of art is dominated by Cubism, Fauvism and Impressionism.However, John Sargent accomplished his masterpieces through his own form of Realism. His skills, as well as his form, were honed under the tutelage of Emile Auguste Carolus-Duran in Paris from 1874 to 1878, after studying rigorously in both Italy and Germany. John Sargent’s paternal grandfather was a Spanish descent and he carefully studied the paintings in the Prado during an extended residency in Madrid from 1866 to 1868 (Boone, 117).Constantly the internationalist, John Sargent journeyed by train from Paris to Madrid, and he was in the Prado by October 14, and the several of copies that he completed, such as the painting of a dwarf then credited to V elasquez and a detail of Velasquez’s â€Å"Las bilanderas† in 1879, recommends or advocates a stay of just more than one month. Sargent also has several collections of photographs after Velasquez’, â€Å"Don Antonio el ingles† and â€Å"Las Bilanderas†.In addition to this, he also had â€Å"The Surrender of Breda†, â€Å"the Forge of Vulcan† and â€Å"Las meninas†, which he stored or set aside in a scrapbook. These photographs served as souvenirs from his trip as well as reference material for his study of art history, and motivation for fresh works of art (Boone, 280).John Singer Sargent is fond of life. John Sargent finds the the people portrayed rather than the setting to be exotic. His love for life, as well as being a painter, can be observed in some of his masterpieces such as in â€Å"Dolce Far Niente† and â€Å"The Sketchers†.â€Å"The Sketchers† (1856-1925) is John Sargent’s 22 by 28 inches masterpiece which uses oil on canvas as medium. The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts was able to acquire this artwork through the help of Arthur and Margaret Glasgow Fund, in the year 1958. In â€Å"The Sketchers†, there is an interplay of light and dark or chiaroscuro which can be instantly recognized.The left side of the painting shows scuro (dark), while the right side shows chiaro (light). The chiaro can be observed through the shadows and darker shade or hue of colors used through the trees and on the left side of the white umbrella. In addition to this, the background â€Å"sky† on the left side is darker as compared to that on the left side. These darker shades or shadows are results of the light from a source which can be observed to be coming from the right side of the painting.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Pasadena Foursquare Church Kitchen Renovation Project Essay

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose of Risk Management 1.1.1 Knowing and Controlling Risks to Project Assets The process of Risk Management instituted tothe Project with knowledge and control over the risk position of the project. Not all identified risks can be removed. The likelihood of surpassing requirements can be traded off against the risk of surpassing the budget constraints. Risk Management is a process used to balance the project risk position across all project resource areas, controlling the distribution and magnitude of the identified risks against the cost constraints while obtaining the best possible confidence in achieving high project performance return. 1.2 Risk Management is a Project Team Effort 1.2.1 Integral Part of Project Implementation It is intended that Risk Management be an essential element in the Project Manager’s tool kit. This involves considering risk at the very beginning of the project conceptualization. The key features of risk management (RM) activity within the project are: 1.Managed risks are essential elements of the project management control process 2.Cognizant personnel accept the time imposed to develop and maintain the risk list 3.Project Management Team plans the effort and the Project Manager takes ownership of the plan 4.Risk status reports are integral to the project review process 5.Effective metrics are identified and delivered per the plan to all stakeholders These activities require require commitment from the project manager, and the Risk Representative. 1.2.2 A Team Effort Risk Management is a team effort. The project Risk Representative is the coordinator of the risk management activity. All members of the project team have important roles in identifying, assessing, and tracking risk, and in identifying the possible approaches to dealing with risks that are  necessary for the project to make good risk decisions. Risk decisions are supported by analyses and recommendations from the project team, but are ultimately made by the Project Manager in the same manner as all cost, schedule and performance impact decisions are made. 1.2.3 Integrated Risk View The Risk List developed and managed through the RM Process is a composite of the risks being managed by all elements of the project. It includes in one place the management view for risks from independent assessments, reviews, QA inspections, principles and policy, risk reviews, and residual risks from all project actions. Only in this way can it be managed as a comprehensive assessment of the liens on all project resource reserves, which allows optimized decisions to use these reserves to mitigate risks. 2. OBJECTIVES 2.1 Objectives of Risk Management The overall objective of Risk Management is to identify and assess the risks to achieving project success, and to balance the mitigation of these risks (and hence the additional cost) against the acceptance and control of these risks (and hence a possible higher degree of project performance objectives). To further these objectives, the Project Management process involves identifying risks to the success the project, understanding the nature of these risks, individually and in total, and acting to control their impact on the success of the project. 3. RISK MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW 3.1 Definitions 3.1.1Risk Risk is defined as: The combination of the likelihood of occurrence of an undesirable event and the consequence of the occurrence. This combination results in a risk severity, which is:  A measure of the risk magnitude. The higher risks dictate greater attention and urgency for action to mitigate. Risk severity is also influenced by the urgency of applying effective mitigations. Primary Risk is: A risk which rates high on the severity scale – generally high levels of  likelihood and consequence A specific risk to a project, identified in this process as a risk item, has four components, namely the undesirable event the likelihood of occurrence the severity of the consequences of the occurrence the timeframe in which mitigation decisions are required Residual Risk is: An accepted performance or safety risk, which remains after all possible or practical measures have been taken to reduce the severity. The term is especially used in identifying the risk remaining from all discrepancies dispositioned as â€Å"Use As Is† or â€Å"Repair† and accepted single failure points, or other decisions made which leave less than complete closure. The project risk position is defined as: The aggregate of the assessments of the individual risk items for the project, including the decisions made to mitigate, accept and control, or take additional risk. It is a goal that this risk position be measurable relative to project reserves. 3.1.2Risk Management In this context, risk management is defined as: An organized means of planning the risk management activity (Planning), identifying and measuring risks relevant to the Project (Identification and Assessment), identifying, selecting and implementing measures for controlling these risks so as to control the project risk position (Decision-Making), and tracking the decisions made and the evolving risk status (Tracking). Project reserves can be identified in different ways and are managed by a number of effective tools and methods. The Risk Management methodology looks at two aspects of the Project risk position – the risk to resource reserves and the measure of the project success criteria. The Risk Management methodology is based on the project risk position, which is the understanding of the â€Å"knowable† risk, while acknowledging that there are inherent â€Å"unknown† risk possibilities in any project, and must be acknowledged when judging adequacy of the reserves. 3.1.3 Significant Risk A significant risk is a risk considered by the Project Manager to require  focused attention by the Project Management Team on a regular basis. This group is largely but not necessarily identically the group of yellow and red risks in the 5X5 risk matrix, although some green risks may be included if their mitigation time frame is near-term. These are also generally the risks which are reported at the regular monthly status reviews. The Significant Risk List (SRL) is the subset of all the project isks which are significant risks. Not all risks in the project risk are significant risks, but all risks should be rated according to the 5X5 matrix 3.2 Consequence Categories of Risk Risk consequences are assessed against three fundamental categories – called consequence categories 1.The threat to achieving schedule 2.The threat to achieving Scope or Project Performance Success Criteria 3. The threat to the project budget These categories may be expanded or added-to – for instance, impact on facilities, or church activities ..etc. 3.3 The 5X5 Matrix This project has adapted the 5X5 Risk Matrix, which defines the criteria for assessing risk likelihood and consequence for both project and implementation risk. Primary risks are generally considered to be those in the red zone of the 5X5 matrix. 3.4 The Elements of the Risk Management Process The Activities of the Risk Management Process for this project are described as: 1.Identifying and characterizing risks 2.Prioritizing or ranking risks 3.Developing potential project responses to risks 4.Making decisions utilizing existing resources to restructure the program to reduce the potential effect of the risks 5.Tracking the evolving risk exposure and iterating the above actions as needed 6.Developing a plan for the above activities throughout the project life-cycle Each element of the Risk Management process requires interactions among the project team, and the process provides methodology and tools to enable effective communication and documentation. The Figure Below shows a process flow for the activity of risk management in the process. 3.5 Risk Management in the Project Life-Cycle The figure above shows the periods of activity, and generally the times of inputs/outputs of the Risk Management Process, within the project life-cycle. Each Risk Management element extends through the entire life-cycle, and the majority of effort shifts from planning through identification and assessment, decision making, to tracking as the project risk position changes and evolves. While the risk management process is serial, there is significant iteration and updating as the project progresses and matures and thus the identified risks change, are realized or retired, and new risks arise. As risk matures, probability of occurrence and/or impact will change. Risks can reduce to the level of insignificance, where they are retired, or can increase to point of occurrence, or realization. Also, new risks can and will be identified throughout the project life-cycle. The Risk Management process considers and responds to all of these outcomes by returning to earlier activities for reconsideration and update. The project’s Risk Management process can change significantly for operations, since more of the risk attention will be associated with human factors, and an update to the RM Plan may be needed. 4. THE RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS IN PLANNING 4.1 Understanding Risk in the Planning/ Proposal Phase The Project Management Team works to define the requirements and time frames of the project. The pre-project activity involves concept defininition and exploratation with decisions made in the Project team as to the scope and budget with which the â€Å"Plan & Design† Stage Begins. In the Plan & Design Stage Each Project Task is analyzed by the Project Team and â€Å"Make Or Buy† Decisions are Madke based on the availibillity of Qualified Volunteers in the church community. Buy Decisions are made for each outstanding activity. Rough Designs are formulated by the project team calling on Subject Matter Experts as required. Rough Order of Magnitude estimations are made on the cost of each task. RFPs are released to potential contract or volunteer candidates. Proposals are received and Reviewed by the Project Team. The Designs are finalized, Schedules and budgets made and the Work Break down sturcture and Gant Charts are updated with the project â€Å"Base Line† is  established. It is at this point that the Risk List is established by the Project Team, Pulling inforomation from contractors, Subject Matter Experts and the Experience and judgement of the Project Team. The Risk List can then be used to identify the most attractive of a number of options in contractor selection, Design Changes, Scope Schedule, Buget Needs. In addition to performance and needed resources, risk should be a major consideration in justifying the chosen options. This requires specific identification of the apparent risks in each option – mitigating them if possible in the process of maturing each option The relative weights of the risks combine with the weights of the performance and resource assessments in selecting the option to go forward. Fig 4-1 Accounting for Risk in Project Formulation 4.2 Using Risk in Establishing Reserves In establishing the budget reserves for the project to be confirmed at the â€Å"Permitting† Phase, risks are used to define the risk exposure of the budget. Rrisks that are identified in the Planning Phase can be assessed for the potential cost, should they occur. This requires quantification of the risk consequence (in $) and the risk likelihood. 4.5The Preliminary Risk Management Plan At the end if Planning Phase, Preliminary RM Plan is drafted. The plan will consist of all of the Risks associated with the poject and a specific plan for controlling Each SRL risk identified 5. RISK MANAGEMENT IN IMPLEMENTATION 5.1 Risk Management Planning The SRL will be reviewed and updated weekly by the Project Management Team. Montly Status will be reported to all of the stakeholders. New Risks will probably imerge as the project progresses. Oportunity will be made to the Project Management Team Includint the Projec QA representative to add new risks the project Risk List. 5.1.1 Risk Mitigations The following subjects are considered when documenting Risk Mitigations. a)Map the project success criteria and project objectives into an overall  approach to risk Reflecting the prioritization of performance of project objectives and constraints, and weights the emphasis on the following: avoiding risk, by minimizing risk through redesign, alternative developments, parallel developments, large margins, additional equipment to buffer constrained schedules, etc.; accepting risk, by developing contingency plans and margin management criteria for exercising those plans, and/or allowing descope/ reduction in Project Performance return to trade against cost, schedule, and other resources; or taking risk, by finding and incorporating high potential performance/cost/schedule benefits with acceptable additional risk to reserves or margins. . 5.2 Risk Identification and Assessment 5.2.1 Identification and Assessment Requirements The requirements in identification and assessment are to identify the risk items, to describe them sufficiently to allow assessment and decision-making, to identify practical mitigation approaches, and to develop the Significant Risk List (SRL), which is a list of the identified risks to the project and their decision-enabling data 5.2.2 Risk Description Effective risk descriptions identify the root source of the risk concern (the Risk Condition), the event that is feared (Risk Event), and the risk Consequence to the project. The format is generally: â€Å"Because of (the condition giving risk to the risk), it is possible that (such and such event) will occur, with the consequence that (describe the impact – e.g. delivery â€Å"n† weeks late, loss of â€Å"xyz† performance capability, need to build another component, etc.)† Another, less favored, descriptive format sometimes used is: â€Å"If (such and such an event) occurs due to (the condition that †¦), then (describe the impact†¦)† Sometimes there will be further words needed to describe the uncertainty, explain why the condition is present, and what other factors are need to be considered and why. 5.2.3 Inputs When the pre-formulation or early formulation phase feasibility demonstration and scope definition results have been approved, the required inputs for Risk Identification can be assembled. The information needed for identifying and assessing risk include at least preliminary versions of: Requirements and Project Success Criteria Project Management Plan Project Requirements Risk Management Plan Staffing Plan/ key personnel Schedule/ Schedule drivers Budget/ budget drivers 5.2.4 Identifying Risk Items Risk Identification Methodology The first step in developing the risk list is generally a brain-storming activity where potential risk items are identified by the key project personnel. These risks are characterized by two parameters – the likelihood of an adverse event and the consequences of that event. Whenever a potential risk is submitted for consideration, it is accompanied by estimates of these two parameters. The risks are identified by the â€Å"experts† in the specific subject of the risk item – that is, the key personnel submit candidate risks in their project areas of expertise. Risks may be suggested in areas outside their expertise, but they should be then presented to the expert in that area for concurrence. As these risk items are characterized, other data are needed which are described below. The mechanism for obtaining these submissions will vary. The brain-storming may occur as a group, or by e-mail, or separately in one-to-one discussions. The submissions should be â€Å"standardized† to remove very disparate interpretations of the rules before the first group consideration takes place. The following characteristics should be observed in the process. The candidate risks submitted by the team should be inclusive – if the item might be a risk, input it. The Project Manager will work with the submitter to delete inappropriate risks or modify the assessment as needed. They should have a common basis for interpretations. This is accomplished by the Project Manager iterating with the specific group members The Project Manager may use team discussion to assess the risk list, and remove differences of understanding. Resources for Identifying Potential Risks a)External Resources Risks to the project may be identified through experiences of other projects, or the Construction industry in general b)Internal Resources Sources and resources available within Church Comunity or within the project management team which are used to develop inputs to the Risk Identification and Assessment element include: Expert Judgment The RM risk identification and assessment process relies heavily on the expert judgment of the project implementers and their peers Schedule, WBS, Work Agreement Assessments One can systematically examine the planned work and identify uncertainties to which the project has high sensitivity, which can result in risk items to be assessed. Technical, and Design Organization Assessments Functional Block Diagrams, Requirements Flow-Down, Fault Trees, etc. are all systematic organizations of the planned product which can be examined comprehensively for risk items. Review Board Reports Review Board reports include recommendations and issues, as well as RFAs. Review Board can also consist of members or contracting companies. Residual Risk Residual risks, which are identified in many activities within the project as unavoidable risk remaining after all reasonable actions have been taken, should be carried in the risk data base. They should be considered for inclusions in the SRL if applicable, such that they would be reported at monthly and quarterly management reviews as accepted risk. Early in the project design activity, decisions such as allowing selected single failure points or marginal design against worst case possibilities may be made with due consideration of the risk taken. These considerations should be retained in the residual risk descriptions and rationales. Categories of Risk Categorization can be used to allow the aggregation of subsets of risks, and so provide insight into major risk areas in the project. Risk Source Categories A useful set of risk source categories identifies areas of the project where potential risk might reside – for example performance, cost, Or schedule, constraints within which the project must work, to be considered. Other risk source categorizations which might provide insight include: The project systems or subsystem area in which the risk is manifested, The WBS element primarily involved,  Technology areas (if breaking technolgy is used with appliances etc..) Risk Source Categorization is optional. Risk Status Risk status is the process for configuration management of the risks, and also an indicator to external reviewers of the projects plans to deal with each risk.. For Risks that have been dispositioned, there are status classifications definitions are shown in the table below. –RESEARCH – A research category is assigned when more knowledge is required about the risk or the mitigation options. The objective is to move to mitigate, watch, or accept as soon as possible –ACCEPT – A risk is accepted if there are no practical mitigations identified. Depending on the severity of the risk, it may be needed to justify acceptance to the CMC as a Primary Risk. The risk is tracked for changes as the project matures –MITIGATE – A risk is in the mitigate category if there are funded actions under way to reduce the risk. This may have future decision milestones, or milestones where the mitigation risk reductions may be claimed -WATCH – A risk in the watch category has known future points of change, and requires tracking and possible future reassessments. Candidate mitigation options may be carried, and the risk may be re-categorized as the project evolves. 5.2.5 Risk Item Descriptors The draft SRL should list each identified risk item, and for each item should  include as a minimum: Description of the adverse event (Condition, event, consequence) Context of the Risk (If warranted) Categorization in the categories chosen Implementation Risk Assessment -Consequence -Likelihood of occurrence Project Risk Assessment -Consequence -Likelihood of occurrence (If quantified assessment is used) -Level of impact on resources (technical, cost and schedule) -WBS elements primarily affected -Task/ schedule elements primarily affected Mitigation Options – Description of potential mitigation for consideration – Costs of identified mitigation options Timeframe – Urgency of decisions for mitigation effectiveness Time window of potential occurrence – if applicable Resulting reductions in risk likelihood and impact if mitigation option is implemented Project personnel who are identifying risk items will record as much of this as is available at the time a risk is input to the project. Recording the likelihood and consequence descriptors require that the thought processes of risk assessment (described below) be gone through, and in general a first cut at each can be entered with the other data. Risk Description Data Timeframe Implementation (Schedule Or Cost) Risk Project Scope Risk Mitigation Data Risk No. Title Description Impact Near-term, mid-term, or far-term ImplementationConsequence (Cost to recover) Likelihood (implementation) Risk Cost Project Consequence (loss of performance) Likelihood (Project) Mitigation Options Mit. Cost Risk Reduction Figure 5‑ Sample Risk Identification and Assessment Data Sheet Risk Number:An ID number which can be used to find data in a data base. The number can be indexed to indicate updates Title:A short reference for reports, etc.  Description:Text describing the condition or root cause, the feared event, and the consequence. (additional columns can be added here to denote classification schemes to be used. Some risk managers add a time-frame classification to highlight near-term risks from long-term risks. Impact:Text that describes the change to the project due to the event described above. For implementation impact, the description might indicate what would be necessary to recover. For a Project risk, the description might indicate the reduction in project capability to return Project results. Implementation Consequence: A measure against the 5X5 assessment criteria (qualitative) or in resources expenditures (e.g. $) as a result of the impact described to get back on track. Implementation Likelihood: A measure against the 5X5 assessment criteria (qualitative) or in percent (quantitative) of the described consequence being realized. Risk Cost:For quantitative assessment, the product of the consequence in resource measure and the probability (e.g. $) Project Consequence: A measure against the 5X5 assessment criteria of the degradation of Project return due to the event occurring. Project Likelihood: A measure against the 5X5 assessment  criteria (qualitative) or in percent (quantitative) of the described consequence being realized. Mitigation Options:A description of one (or more) possible approaches to mitigating the risk Mitigation Cost:An estimate of the cost in project resources to implement the mitigation Risk Reduction:A description of the effect of the mitigation on the original risk assessments 5.2.6 Risk Item Assessment Qualitative Assessment Qualitative Risk Assessment is the assignment of adjective ratings to the degree of significance of either likelihood or consequence of occurrence. Criteria like â€Å"High, Medium, and Low† are generally used. Scales can have fewer gradations (i.e. high and low) or more (e.g. very high, high, significant, moderate, and low). Definition of these levels is essential, and some iteration and discussion will be needed before the team understands a common distinction between assessed levels. Consequence of Occurrence LevelProject Risk Level Definitions Very HighProject failure HighSignificant reduction in project return ModerateModerate reduction in project return LowSmall reduction in project return Very LowMinimal (or no) impact to project LevelImplementation Risk Level Definition Very HighOverrun budget and contingency, cannot meet schedule with current resources HighConsume all contingency, budget or schedule ModerateSignificant reduction in contingency or schedule slack LowSmall reduction in contingency or schedule slack Very LowMinimal reduction in contingency or schedule slack The advantage of this qualitative approach is that, while subjective, the project team can quickly get in tune with the distinction between levels by working through a number of risks together, and can then assess their own risks fairly consistently. The disadvantage is that the system does not straightforwardly allow â€Å"adding-up† or otherwise aggregating the total risk. Rather, a risk distribution is used to display the project risk position,  as will be seen below.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Data Collection Essays

Data Collection Essays Data Collection Essay Data Collection Essay Ans. 1. Zimbabwe started selling diamonds and earned more than  £1 billion by selling diamonds (The Press Association). The soldiers forced people to work harder. They also tortured them and their children with heavily armed force. There is no official estimate for the revenue from selling stones and diamonds in that sector but an unofficial estimated range is showing  £1.2 billion from that field in Zimbabwe (The Press Association). The eastern alluvial diamond fields of diamond estimated to meet one-forth demand of the total demand of diamond across the world in 2006. They earned high revenue and profit by trading diamonds into several countries, like, Israel, India, Lebanon and Russia. The government of Zimbabwe earned $20 million from the legal sale of diamonds in 2008 (The Press Association). But the important thing is that most of the earned income and revenue of mining diamonds is illegal and it has no governmental or official record. If a Chinese mining company wants to s et up a legal partnership with Zimbabwe government then it will achieve great revenue with high profit and growth through mining diamond in Marange which is a newly founded diamond field in Zimbabwe. This particular field of diamond is situated in the eastern field which earned high revenue through diamond mining in Zimbabwe. To expand their trade facilities, they arranged some private planes to bring buyers from foreign countries. Most of the diamond fields in Zimbabwe are illegal and distributing conflicting diamonds to many countries. These illegal mining fields are expecting high profit and thus they forced poor people to work harder under the mechanism of ‘Dig or Die’ (The Press Association). Poor people are bound to work under the heavily armed security guard in these illegal fields of diamond. According to Abbey Chikane, the Kimberley Process monitor for Zimbabwe, marked the Marange Diamond field in Zimbabwe as a certified diamond field to export conflict-free diamonds to meet the demand of diamond across the world (Mutsaka, Wonacott and Childress, 2010). The human right organization of Zimbabwe is protesting the diamond mining though several illegal diamond fields which are doing illegal activities through killing many poor helpless men, raping women and torturing children to get hard work from them. To solve these problems, the government of Zimbabwe has become very serious to set up legal diamond mines to export conflict-free diamonds. Q.2. Who controls the Mining Development Corporation? Do they have any existing joint venture partners? Who in the Zimbabwean government will influence decisions regarding the investment? Ans. 2. Diamond exporting and supplying business is currently controlled by the government of Zimbabwe. Though it is controlled by the government, there is a presence of powerful illegal diamond fields in Zimbabwe and these fields are engaged in several illegal and non-ethical activities with the help of the armed police and security guard force of Zimbabwe. The presence of political battle and high rate of corruption in the Zimbabwean economic, political and social atmospheres guided the government to a wrong direction. Being the Zimbabwe monitor of the world diamond control body, Abbey Chikane, also stated that the diamonds are ready for sale in the international market to provide minimum international standard of diamond (Mutsaka, Wonacott and Childress, 2010). According to the investors, the mining of diamond in Marange was conducted through use of virtual slaves under the control of armed soldiers in 2008 (Mutsaka, Wonacott and Childress, 2010). Therefore, this field is not work ing legally or the government may be not serious about fact of diamond mining in Zimbabwe. The Kimberley Process is an international monitoring body to control conflict-free diamond supply from certified diamond fields under governmental rules and regulations. Mr. Chikane announced that Zimbabwe can start trading the Marange diamonds under proper guidance of the government of Zimbabwe. According to him, the Zimbabwe government has taken several effective steps to regulate legal diamond fields and to remove illegal sources of diamond. The Kimberley Process did not consider the fact of taking steps against governments which violated the rules of the human-rights organization in Zimbabwe in diamond mining. The Kimberley team investigated that the heavily armed security forces killed many people, raped women who were illegally mining in the Marange fields in July, 2008 (Mutsaka, Wonacott and Childress, 2010). But the officials denied these charges against them and the government and the y told that the security guards were there to give protection to the governmental part of the Marange diamond fields in Zimbabwe. The Kimberley members restricted sales of diamonds by the Marange diamond fields as they were supplying non-certified stones in the international market with proper certificates. This helped to get certification for the diamond fields in Zimbabwe. It also allowed exporting several other legal diamond fields into the foreign market. Zimbabwes government earned $20 million from the legal fields of diamonds in 2008 (The Press Association). There are some political conflicts in Zimbabwe in the issue of diamond exporting and mining from legal and illegal diamond fields of the country. After the election in Zimbabwe in 2008, the situation in Marange diamond field has become very much concern about their effectiveness of the Kimberley Process. A top member of the World Diamond Council, Martin Rapaport reigned from the Kimberley Process to protest against their a ctivity and controlling mechanism of the process. Human rights organizations in Zimbabwe are now become very much concern about the export of diamond in the international market after getting the green signal to restart the sale of diamonds from the Marange diamond fields, where heavily armed soldiers deployed by the President Robert Mugabe have been charged for conducting illegal activities (Peta, 2010). The Zimbabwean government investigated that more than 4 million carats of diamonds were founded from the controversial fields of the Zimbabwean diamond fields. Marange was one of them. The estimated value of the total sale of diamonds will be around $1.7bn according to the Zimbabwes 2010 budget and that will be very much helpful to provide a boost to the economic condition of Zimbabwe (Peta, 2010). Investment from the foreign investors is always encouraged the mining development corporation of Zimbabwe. To meet the international demand of diamond, they are gradually expanding their international business through legal export of conflict-free diamonds of certified diamond fields of Zimbabwe. To increase their revenue, the government of Zimbabwe is very much interested to incorporate many foreign investors across the world. The director of the Centre for Research and Development which is a Zimbabwean human-rights organization was tracking the operations in Marange diamond field in Zimbabwe (Peta, 2010). According to them at the end of 2008, there was no improvement in the condition of the human rights in the Marange diamond field. Mr. Maguwu, the director of the research and development centre, also showed how diamonds from the Marange Diamond field were being smuggled out from Zimbabwe to Mozambique and it became a profitable strategy for the soldiers of Zimbabwe through illegal diamond export to other foreign countries (Peta, 2010). The Zimbabwe government forced the African Consolidated Resources to take back their claims against the government and their officials in the issue of diamond supply and export from the Marange diamond field in Zimbabwe at the end of 2006. The high court of Zimbabwe decided that all diamond mines should hand over their power of illegal diamond export to the central bank of Zimbabwe and those mines could get back their power after resolving the dispute in 2008 (Peta, 2010). Therefore, after the political and social battle in Zimbabwean diamond fields, it has become mandatory to get certified by the government, the diamond research and development centre and also by the human rights organization of Zimbabwe. Game Theory: Q.3. Game theory is very useful in planning strategy. Your firm, if it decides that it is a good investment, wants to win the rights to develop the mine. Explain how you can use game theory to plot a winning strategy. Ans. 3. If the Chinese firm decides that it will be a good investment and also wants to win the rights to develop the diamond mines in Zimbabwe, then they should follow a strategic plan with game theory application. The firm can invest in the Marange diamond field through legal contract of partnership with the mining company. They should be aware of the fact that there are no illegal activities in the mining field against the human rights organization in Zimbabwe. The government of Zimbabwe should follow ethics of the social and political aspects in the case of diamond mining from different legal fields of diamond. According to the perfect formation of the game of this case of development in the field of diamonds, the most effective and suitable pay-off will be the combination of the investment of the Chinese firm and the investment in the legal fields of certified diamonds in Zimbabwe. The investment of the Chinese firm will be more profitable if the firm can invest into a legal fie ld of diamonds, rather than investment into an illegal field of diamonds. There are some other factors related with social, ethical and legal perspectives of the country in the case of diamond mining. These aspects should be highly concerned by the Chinese company who is very much interested to get with some Zimbabwean mining company through legal partnership contract. The Chinese company can get high revenue and profit if it makes a contract with an illegal company but other social, legal and ethical aspects will not be there. There may be several strategies but only one pay-off will be economically, financially, legally and ethically viable for this case. Pricing Strategies: Q.4. Explain why the price of diamonds in international markets is so high. Note that a good answer to this question will involve research into the pricing strategies of the firms that sell diamonds as well as the application of basic economic principles. Ans. 4. The price of diamond is very high in the international market. If demand increases for a commodity, the price of that commodity will also increase keeping other factors as unchanged. The demand curve of a commodity is downward slopping in the price of the commodity and the quantity demanded for the commodity framework. Demand Curve of commodity: The price of the commodity and the quantity demanded of the commodity are taken respectively as the vertical and the horizontal line of the diagram. The demand of diamond is gradually increasing in the international market. In the above diagram, according to the basic concept of the demand curve, the demand is dependent on the price of the commodity. Therefore, the price of any commodity should also be dependent on the demand of the commodity. In general, if the demand increases, the price should fall according to the demand curve. But in this case, the price of diamonds is gradually increasing with the increase in the price of the diamonds. The price of the diamonds is very high in the international market to reduce the demand of diamonds in scarcity of diamonds in the global market. The scarcity of diamonds is the main reason for the increasing price of diamonds in the international market. At present, there are few diamond mines from which high quality diamonds can be found. On th e other hand, there are few diamond mining companies in the world. Therefore, the competition in these companies is negligible. If a firm with monopoly power in a market increases the price of its commodity, there will be no change in the demand of the commodity. This advantage for the diamond mining companies encourages them to increase the price to achieve high revenue and profit from this business. In the competitive market the firms can not increase the prices of their products because if they increase the price the demand of the product will reduce in those firms and the consumer will prefer to buy from any other firm at lower price of the commodity. There is another important reason for the increment of the price of diamonds in the international market. Most of the exported diamonds are smuggled out from the African diamond fields in different countries. These smugglers have fixed very high price for these diamonds in the foreign market. Though this reason is illegal and not p roviding any economic theory, it is a very important reason for the high price of diamonds. Ethics: Q.5. What is the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme? What are the elements of the scheme? Does this investment satisfy these? Why or why not? Ans. 5. Mines Minister of Zimbabwe, Obert Mpofu, stated that more than 90% of the total demand from the international market was achieved by the trade watchdog, the Kimberley Process group in November in 2009 (BBC News, 2009). The armed police force in the diamond mining field killed more than 200 poor people by torturing them at the Marange field of diamonds (The Press Association). The activists wanted to remove these pathetic and illegal activities which were gradually reducing the socio-economic culture of the economy. They also announced to reform the planning and controlling strategies of diamond fields in Zimbabwe and they fixed 2010 as the deadline of this reformation (BBC News, 2009). The Kimberley process is a controlling body under the governmental power in Zimbabwe. With the help of this organization, the government earned a lot revenue and profit but it was not helpful to maintain social, legal and ethical aspects of the economy. To achieve high profit and growth, this o rganization forced people to work harder in the diamond fields of Marange. The security guards killed many people, raped women and forced children to work continuously in the fields. The Kimberley Process decided to work against the human rights groups of Zimbabwe. Therefore, this process is not concern about the ethics of the organization and they are away from maintaining social responsibilities in Zimbabwe. The government denied these charges against their officials and they are still not very much worried about the fact. The 70-member Kimberley Process group approved a compromise diamond contract at a summit in Namibia in 2009 (BBC News, 2009). To maintain balance in the socio-economic aspects of the economy, an independent monitoring body with independent inspector was established. This organization mainly monitors the diamond mining from the controversial fields. As this process is completely away from maintaining ethics and any other social responsibilities, the investment in this organization will not provide any knowledge of social, economic, legal and ethical responsibilities. This will not be suitable or helpful for the future in a long-run perspective. Q.6. Do you think that this investment is ethical? Why or why not? Ans. 6. Investment in this organization or process will not be an ethical decision for the Chinese mining company. This process helped to work illegally to achieve high profit in an illegal diamond mining sector. This process is not maintaining any ethics which should be helpful for long-term planning. This process also affects the environmental degradation in Zimbabwe. It is also damaging farming irrigation systems in Zimbabwe (Conflict Blood Diamonds, 2009). If the Chinese mining company wants to observe a sustainable growth and development for a long-term perspective, they should not go for the partnership contract with the Marange Diamond mining fields and should not even go for investing in these illegal unauthorized and non-certified diamond mining fields in Zimbabwe.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Child Labor Gazette

Child Labor Gazette Pg. 1 Headlines for Today: March 23, 2003 Edition By Ryan Pittman- Block 4 LEADING STORIES†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Reformers Help End Child Labor Practices. What is a reformer, anyway? Reformers are people who want to make positive changes for the good of society. They wanted to help put an end to unfair child labor practices that went on for years and no one did anything to stop them. They believed that the more people were informed about the poor working conditions of young children that they had to endure, the better their message would be spread and their cause would be made public. Reformers would help to convince voters to create and pass a law to end child labor for good. These reformers would go to the newspapers and give speeches to inform others. With the help of Lewis H. Hines’s photographs of the children in the mines and in the mills, the reformers were able to convince more and more people that a law to stop child labor needed to be put in place and practiced now. In 1904, in an effort to end child labor altogether, the reformers formed a committee, which was called the National Child Labor Committee. Lewis Hines’s graphic pictures helped convince the majority of people in America that child labor was going on then and that it was not right. Reformers and activists urged people not to buy clothing or products from these companies who made it a habit to put children to work and turn out their products by force. By conducting this â€Å"strike,† the reformers had hoped that by not supporting child labor practices, that the children would no longer be forced to make products like clothing, ropes and cotton in the mills. The United States Congress passed laws in 1916, and again in 1919, but the Supreme Court struck down these laws. However, in 1938, the Supreme Court ended up passing the Fair Labor Standards Act, which did not permit children under a certain age to work, and for those... Free Essays on Child Labor Gazette Free Essays on Child Labor Gazette Child Labor Gazette Pg. 1 Headlines for Today: March 23, 2003 Edition By Ryan Pittman- Block 4 LEADING STORIES†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Reformers Help End Child Labor Practices. What is a reformer, anyway? Reformers are people who want to make positive changes for the good of society. They wanted to help put an end to unfair child labor practices that went on for years and no one did anything to stop them. They believed that the more people were informed about the poor working conditions of young children that they had to endure, the better their message would be spread and their cause would be made public. Reformers would help to convince voters to create and pass a law to end child labor for good. These reformers would go to the newspapers and give speeches to inform others. With the help of Lewis H. Hines’s photographs of the children in the mines and in the mills, the reformers were able to convince more and more people that a law to stop child labor needed to be put in place and practiced now. In 1904, in an effort to end child labor altogether, the reformers formed a committee, which was called the National Child Labor Committee. Lewis Hines’s graphic pictures helped convince the majority of people in America that child labor was going on then and that it was not right. Reformers and activists urged people not to buy clothing or products from these companies who made it a habit to put children to work and turn out their products by force. By conducting this â€Å"strike,† the reformers had hoped that by not supporting child labor practices, that the children would no longer be forced to make products like clothing, ropes and cotton in the mills. The United States Congress passed laws in 1916, and again in 1919, but the Supreme Court struck down these laws. However, in 1938, the Supreme Court ended up passing the Fair Labor Standards Act, which did not permit children under a certain age to work, and for those...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Become a Better Homeschooling Teacher

How to Become a Better Homeschooling Teacher As a homeschooling parent, its common to wonder if youre doing enough and teaching the right things. You may question if youre qualified to teach your children  and look for ways become a more effective instructor.   Two important steps to becoming a  successful homeschooling parent  are, first, not comparing your kids to their peers and, second, not allowing worry to derail your homeschooling. However, there are also some simple, practical steps you can take to improve your overall effectiveness as a homeschool teacher. Read Books Business and personal development and training expert Brian Tracy has said that if you read a book a week on the topic of your chosen field, you’ll be an expert within seven years.   As a homeschooling parent, you probably wont have time to get through a book a week in your personal reading, but make it a goal to read at least one homeschooling, parenting, or child development book each month. New homeschooling parents should read books on a variety of homeschooling styles, even those that dont seem as though they would be appealing to  your family. Most homeschooling parents are surprised to find that even though a particular homeschooling method doesnt fit their educational philosophy as a whole, there are almost always bits of wisdom and helpful tips they can apply. The key is to look for those key takeaway ideas and discard- without guilt- the authors suggestions  that dont appeal to you. For example, you may love most of  Charlotte Masons philosophies, but short lessons dont work for your family. You find that changing gears every 15 to 20 minutes gets your kids completely off-track. Take the Charlotte Mason ideas that work and skip the short lessons. Do you envy road-schoolers? Read the book Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith. Even if your family isnt on the go more than one or two days each week, you can still pick up useful tips for making the most of your time in the car, such as using audio books and CDs.   Try one of these must-read  books for homeschooling parents: A Charlotte Mason Education by Catherine LevisonHomeschooling the Early Years by Linda DobsonThe Relaxed Home School by Mary HoodThe Unschooling Handbook by Mary GriffithThe Well-Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer In addition to books about homeschooling, read child development and parenting books. After all, schooling is only one small aspect of homeschooling and should not be  the part that defines your family as a whole. Child development books help you understand the common milestones for childrens mental, emotional, and academic stages. Youll be better equipped to set reasonable goals and expectations for your childs behavior and social and academic skills. Author Ruth Beechick is an excellent source of information on child development for homeschooling parents. Take Professional Development Courses Nearly every industry has opportunities for professional development. Why should homeschooling be any different? It’s wise to take advantage of available opportunities to learn new skills and tried-and-true tricks of your trade. If your local homeschool support group invites special speakers for meetings and workshops, make time to attend. Other sources of professional development for homeschooling parents are as follows: Homeschool conventions. Most homeschool conventions feature workshops and expert speakers in addition to curriculum sales. Presenters are usually curriculum publishers, homeschooling parents, and speakers and leaders in their respective fields. These qualifications make them excellent sources of information and inspiration. Continuing education classes. Local community colleges are an ideal resource for professional development. Investigate their  on-campus and online continuing education courses. Perhaps a college algebra course would help you brush up on your math skills to help you more effectively teach your teen. A child development course can help parents of young children gain a better understanding of which topics and tasks are developmentally appropriate for their children. Maybe  the courses you choose to take have no direct correlation to what you’re teaching in your homeschool. Instead, they serve to make you a more educated, well-rounded individual and offer you the opportunity to model for your children the concept the learning never stops. It’s meaningful for kids to see their parents valuing education in their own lives and following their dreams. Homeschool curriculum. Many curriculum options feature material to instruct parents on the mechanics of teaching the subject. Some examples are WriteShop,  Institute for Excellence in Writing, and Brave Writer. In both, the teacher’s manual is instrumental in teaching the curriculum. If the curriculum youre using features side notes, an introduction, or an appendix for parents, take advantage of these opportunities to increase your understanding of the subject matter. Other homeschooling parents. Spend time with other homeschooling parents. Get together with a group of moms for a monthly moms night out. While these events are often perceived as simply a social outlet for homeschooling parents, talk inevitably turns to educational concerns.   Other parents can be a wonderful source of resources and ideas you hadnt considered. Think of these gatherings as networking with a mastermind group. You might also consider combining a homeschool parent meeting with reading about your field (homeschooling and parenting). Start a monthly homeschool parents book club for the purpose of reading and discussing books on homeschooling methods and trends, child development, and parenting strategies.   Educate Yourself on Your Student’s Needs Many homeschool parents feel ill-equipped to home educate their child with learning differences such as dysgraphia or dyslexia. Parents of gifted students may think that they cant offer their children adequate academic challenges. These feelings of inadequacy may extend to parents of children with autism, sensory processing issues, ADD, ADHD, or those with physical or emotional challenges. However, a well-informed parent is often better equipped than a teacher in a crowded classroom setting to meet a child’s needs through one-on-one interaction and a customized education plan. Marianne Sunderland, a homeschooling mom of seven dyslexic children (and one child who does not have dyslexia), has taken courses, read books, and researched, educating herself about dyslexia to more effectively teach her own children. She says, â€Å"Homeschooling not only works, it is the best option for educating kids who don’t learn by traditional methods.† This concept of educating yourself goes back to the suggestion to read  books on topics related to your chosen field. Consider your childs unique learning needs to be your chosen field.  You may not have seven years available before your student graduates to become an expert in a particular area, but through research, learning about his needs, and working one-on-one with him daily, you can become an expert on your child. You dont have to have a special-needs child to take advantage of self-education. If you have a visual learner, research the best methods for teaching her.   If you have a child with a passion for a topic about which you know nothing, take time to learn about it. This  self-education will help you help your child capitalize on interest in the subject.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Examine one aspect of modernization that impacted US about the great Essay

Examine one aspect of modernization that impacted US about the great san francisco earthquake of 1906 - Essay Example Reference is made to the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906 and the relation between this event and modernization. The earthquake in San Francisco in 1906 is considered as ‘one of the worst natural disasters in US history ‘ (MCEER 2012). One particular aspect of the impact of modernization on US in the context of the above event is explored: the destruction of Chinatown in San Francisco as a result of the earthquake and the effects of this event on the life of locals and other Americans. It is proved that the social effects of natural disasters can often be more severe than their environmental effects. In other words, modernization can often affect more profoundly the social life compared to severe natural disasters, the above view, as explored below, cannot lead to the assumption that modernization is the only aspect of social life affected by important natural disasters, as the earthquake of 1906 in San Francisco. Modernization, as developed through the decades, has been related to objectivism, a term used to reflect the trend of people to understand the meaning of things around them according to their needs (Wang, Yu and McLean 20). The specific trend is of particular importance in order to understand the response of people, especially residents, to the earthquake of 1906 in San Francisco. In the particular event, two were the issues mostly highlighted: the response of people to critical events can be differentiated according to a series of factors; also, natural disasters can often heavily affect social life, at the level that the implications of a natural disaster on a country’s social norms are often difficult to be clearly identified and addressed. Indeed, after the earthquake, Chinese, who are of a different social and cultural background compared to the city’s other residents, have tried to move their community, showing willingness to re-establish their social and

Personal statement of UC application Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Of UC application - Personal Statement Example Although I still consider myself a young person, I have been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to spend an entire summer interning for my father’s real estate firm in mainland China; performing the job responsibilities of an accountant. While in China, I was able to learn the rudimentary elements of basic business accounting while at the same time becoming accustomed to the Chinese laws that governed its implementation. There is no doubt that I have a great deal of further knowledge to be gained in this field by pursuing a major in accounting; furthermore, I am intrigued by the ways in which the lessons I learn from my education will be amenable to better performing accounting with relation to Chinese firms or American firms. Likewise, what intrigued me about this particular line of work was the precision that it involved. As opposed to many career choices I could make, accounting provides me with the rare opportunity to leverage my superior skills and intuition with mathematics alongside my interest in the law and how it governs financial regulation and actions within a firm or organization. Additionally, while working during my internship I noticed that I had the unique ability to concentrate and focus in a way that allowed me to handle complex levels of information. Additionally, once back within the United States, I began to work in my father’s Tea Shop managing the accounts and keeping the books for the business. Although this is the epitome of a small business and not nearly as complex as the skills that I will learn with relation to the degree I am pursuing, this experience has also taught me the overall importance of precision and certainty when dealing with the financial aspects of management as they relate to accounting. Although I have been fortunate to have a father that has entrusted me with such important tasks, I would very much like to grow beyond this and master the skills

Friday, October 18, 2019

My life as a water molecule in human body Term Paper

My life as a water molecule in human body - Term Paper Example In the subsequent sections I will briefly discuss some of the important functions of mine in human body. Regulation of human body temperature is very essential as rate of biochemical reaction is very sensitive to the temperature and if the temperature is not regulated properly it is fatal to human life. Fortunately, I have high specific heat (~ 1 cal / gm) and latent heat of vaporization (~ 536 cal/gm) and this helps me in regulating human body temperature by sweating out in case the external temperature is very high. However, sweating leads to my loss (dehydration) and this may be fatal to an individual; therefore, one must ensure that he / she is maintaining sufficient intake of mine. When you are facing heat, just take me inside. There are many biochemical reactions required to sustain life in any living organism including human body. I act as a medium for almost all of these reactions. I play a very important role in all these reactions due to my ability to dissolve the ions and molecules relevant to biochemical reactions. Some important reactions are digestion of food, storage of energy in the form of ADP and ATP molecules etc. and all these reactions cannot be accomplished without myself acting as the medium of the reaction. In human body communication between a body parts to the brain is through electrical signals involving Na and K ions and these ions are dissolved in water. If I am not there these ions cannot exist and therefore, no signaling will be possible. Thus, it is me which facilitates communication system of human body. In the course of biochemical reactions inside human body, many harmful chemicals like urea etc. are produced. These chemicals need to be removed for the safety of life. I dissolve these harmful chemicals and brings them out through urine or sweat and thus I helps in cleansing of human body as well. Based on the

Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 15

Finance - Essay Example Note: The category ‘Economic inactivity’ includes all people who are not in paid employment or actively looking for a job, while ‘Unemployed’ only includes people actively looking for a job and available to work in the next two weeks (the standard definition of unemployment). ‘Total population’ refers to people living in private households (i.e. not in residential care homes, community centres or prisons). The government decisions that can affect the flow of cash from both households and corporate is Fiscal and Monetary Policies which includes, the taxation which is interest rates and the government spending(Riley 2012) The money that flow to the government includes, savings, payments made to the government, and the taxes. The types of taxes that are paid to the government include, council tax1, taxes on income , National Savings & Investments savings, and government bonds, while payments to government includes, rents paid for living in buildings own by the government(Vivienne Brown and Alan Shipman). If government decides to increase taxes, it means that the money flowing to the households will go done while money flowing to the government will go up. Furthermore, if the government reduces the money which is going towards the citizen then it means that the money flowing towards the households will go down. The amount of money that flows from households to corporate includes payments to financial institutions, and spending on services and goods. Spending on services and goods include, money used on foods, leisure, rent, purchase of financial product, clothing and repayment of debts among others. Money that flows from corporations includes loans and incomes, for example salary and dividends. The government can affect this flow of money from households to corporations and vice versa by coming up with monetary policy, and depending where its leaning to then money would flow towards that direction. For

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Serving Time in Virginia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Serving Time in Virginia - Essay Example Sir Edwin Sandys has tried to rebuild the Jamestown in three ways. He attracted the new investors by granting them the head rights for introducing and brining in new tenants. He grabbed the attention of new settlers by introducing lotteries. He tried to make the colony a more peaceful and pleasant place to settle down in by abolishing martial law. Citizens were extended the rights to select two members of the colony as their representatives or spokespersons. Even after the years of struggle and reconstruction, Jamestown was lacking a lot of attention. Citizens were legally enforced to grow corns. Insufficient food, arrival of unprepared settlers, inadequate housing facilities and presence of contaminated wells were becoming the reason of spreading disease. People were more interested in growing tobacco than corn despite food scarcity. This raised the question why Jamestown was still not self-sufficient despite the hard struggle. Another reason could be the transformation of Virginia into a boom country. The settlers discovered new innovative ways to produce more crops of tobacco. They also predicted that they could grow more tobacco crops only if they would have servants or peons taking care of their crops. This idea pinned the concept of slavery for the first time. The tenants gave fifty percent of their crops to plantation owners and worked for four to seven years in their fields. On the other hand, the servants worked with full commi tment and dedication in exchange for food, shelter and their passage from England. As a result, with the help of tenants and new laborers, colonists looked forward to become richer by producing more tobacco. Gradually, tobacco became the economic trademark of the colony. Serving Time in Virginia also raises some questions as to why slavery didn’t grow well during the time when labor was valued greatly. It is worth mentioning that only 5 percent of the Africans

The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster risk management plan Case Study

The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster risk management plan - Case Study Example From the data provided, it appears that a risk management plan was in existence. Some of the management plans were applied whereas some of the plans were not applicable due to some reasons. One of the examples of a risk management plan was to design a space shuttle program that would utilize both the liquid and solid propellants. The liquid propellant system is more reliable as compared to the solid propellant system. The flow of the liquid propellant from the storage tanks to the engine can be throttled and shut down in case of emergency whereas a solid propellant cannot function in the same manner. One of the drawbacks associated with the liquid propellants was that they are comparatively expensive than the solid propellants and hence it was impossible for NASA to hire a system totally functional on liquid propellant. A combination of both was manufactured. In 1972, NASA chose Rocker for the building of the orbiter. According to many industry leaders, the Rocker package did not include an escape system. An escape system is very effective and necessary in case of emergencies. NASA officials ignored the escape system and hence the Space Shuttle Program became the first the first U.S. aircraft which did not include an escape system for the crew. According to Mr. Moore, (NASA's deputy administrator for space flight), weather plays an important role. According to him, the specifications on the wind velocity need to be checked in order to avoid exceeding of crosswinds. This is done so that the commanders can have a clear view of the runway and so forth. In order to avoid any accidents that may be related to weather, crosswinds limits are maintained. These issues clearly enhance the project management factor. Some of the risk management plans were implied whereas some of them could not be reinforced. 2. Would there had been a better way to handle risk management planning at NASA assuming sixteen flights per year, twenty live flights per year or as originally planned, sixty flights per year Why is the number of flights per year critical in designing a formalized risk management plan The planner that was originally planned comprised of sixteen flights per year. With the increase in flights, the paper work tended to increase. The requirement for paper work completion was that it was supposed to be submitted approximately one week before every flight. The increase in paper work meant that the accomplishment of goals was getting difficult. With the increase in paperwork, the formulation of a risk management plan was almost impossible because half of the time was consumed in the paperwork of the flights. The employees of NASA were working very hard to cope up with the paperwork which was increasing with the increase in the number of flights. Increase in paperwork meant that the personnel had to work overtime which included the weekends. According to an interoffice memo that was sent from Scot Stein to Bob Lund the paperwork was making it difficult for them to handle the problems and formulating a risk management plan because half the time was taken up by the paperwork. He said that it was necessary to make

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Serving Time in Virginia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Serving Time in Virginia - Essay Example Sir Edwin Sandys has tried to rebuild the Jamestown in three ways. He attracted the new investors by granting them the head rights for introducing and brining in new tenants. He grabbed the attention of new settlers by introducing lotteries. He tried to make the colony a more peaceful and pleasant place to settle down in by abolishing martial law. Citizens were extended the rights to select two members of the colony as their representatives or spokespersons. Even after the years of struggle and reconstruction, Jamestown was lacking a lot of attention. Citizens were legally enforced to grow corns. Insufficient food, arrival of unprepared settlers, inadequate housing facilities and presence of contaminated wells were becoming the reason of spreading disease. People were more interested in growing tobacco than corn despite food scarcity. This raised the question why Jamestown was still not self-sufficient despite the hard struggle. Another reason could be the transformation of Virginia into a boom country. The settlers discovered new innovative ways to produce more crops of tobacco. They also predicted that they could grow more tobacco crops only if they would have servants or peons taking care of their crops. This idea pinned the concept of slavery for the first time. The tenants gave fifty percent of their crops to plantation owners and worked for four to seven years in their fields. On the other hand, the servants worked with full commi tment and dedication in exchange for food, shelter and their passage from England. As a result, with the help of tenants and new laborers, colonists looked forward to become richer by producing more tobacco. Gradually, tobacco became the economic trademark of the colony. Serving Time in Virginia also raises some questions as to why slavery didn’t grow well during the time when labor was valued greatly. It is worth mentioning that only 5 percent of the Africans

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

HRM Case study (giving HR advice) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

HRM Case study (giving HR advice) - Essay Example Elements of organizational structure Specialization Managers need to decide how much work is to be done by each employee. Less degree of specialization would mean one worker handling many tasks at a time. This works with small organizations. But with a large organization, tasks need to be divided into chunks and each chunk should be handled by the designated worker. This improves productivity which also gives total control on the task (O'Fallon & Rutherford, 2010). Departmentalization Forming departments as per different functions is a logical way to do things in a large organization. It is a practical solution in which two different functions cannot hinder each other as they have been separated by their respective departments (O'Fallon & Rutherford, 2010). Authority An important issue arising is of who is going to take how much authority in his hands. None of the organizations are completely centralized or decentralized. Managers must consider the experience and personality of the s ubordinates when deciding for the management style and strategy of the organization (O'Fallon & Rutherford, 2010). Span of control First and foremost, organizational structure of an organization should be determined. This will determine the nature of responsibilities and authority on each member of the organization. ... A narrow span of control would have fewer people to report directly to the manager. This would add more layers to management and hence communication would be slow between lower employees and top managers. A wide span of control would have more subordinates to report directly to the manager. There is a good flow of communication between its lower level employees and top managers. Few layers are involved in the structure (Thomas, 2011). It has been researched that a small span of management with a taller organization structure would be more expensive to run because of greater number of managers. It would also show communication problems. A wider span of control would is more recommended and proves to be useful in most environments. The reason is more employees report to managers directly which would increase employees’ motivation, morale and productivity (O'Fallon & Rutherford, 2010). Coordination of activities Even if there is departmentalization and specialization, there shoul d be coordination between its activities. Problems arise when there is lack of coordination of activities. There should be a link between the functions of two departments (O'Fallon & Rutherford, 2010). A Functional Organization Mr. John Brown needs to make his hotel a functional organization. A functional organization organizes itself along functional lines, with departments being grouped according to their specific functions. Each department is further sub-divided into further small departments. For instance, if there is Rooms Department in a hotel, it is further subdivided into other smaller departments such as laundry department. This way, specific tasks are performed by employees in a specific pattern and there are fewer chances of errors. A functional organization

Monday, October 14, 2019

“Three Men in a Boat” by Jerome K Jerome Essay Example for Free

â€Å"Three Men in a Boat† by Jerome K Jerome Essay In this essay an attempt is made to discern the important themes that one can observe in the book â€Å"Three Men in a Boat† written by Jerome K Jerome. This book written by Jerome K Jerome became extremely popular among the English readers. One reason for this popularity was its different and new way of representation which differed from the books written by authors such as Robert Louis Stevenson, Arthur Cannon Doyle, Rudyard Kipling and other popular authors. This popularity perhaps was due to the use of different themes and style of language that one can see in the case of this book. Firstly, the language used in this book was the language spoken by the common masses which perhaps attracted the common people to read this book leading to its popularity although the critics condemned the vulgarity that they found in the book in the various terms that were used in the book. However unlike the writing styles of the times, Jerome did not use glorifying terms or artificial terms to express the feelings of the people. The book refers to the three men among whom one character was represented by the author himself. An important theme in this book is the importance that is given to pleasure trips wherein the friends took several excursions in the boat on the River Thames and other places. These pleasure trips were earlier enjoyed usually by the middle and upper middle class people. However, the writing of this book â€Å"Three Men in a Boat† made the pleasure trips on the rivers of England extremely popular. Another important theme in the book is the love for nature and in order to express their love for nature the three friends go on excursion over River Thames. This book can be considered as an important contribution to the travel literature particularly within England. This book is the story of three common people who speak the usual language spoken by the common people. They do not involve in any great adventures and there are no great heroes and villains in this book. The appeal to the masses is an important theme in this book. However we can consider that the most important theme is the love of these people for travel, pleasure trips and their love of nature. An important aspect of this book is that initially it was conceived as a serious guide to traveling on boat. However humor became the principal style narration in this book. The readers regarded that many jokes in the book are relevant even today. One important theme found in this book is the need for relaxation from work. Thus, one can find the theme of escape in this work. Hence, the three men go for a pleasure trip in order to escape from the problems which they faced. An important theme is the disease which had attacked the friend of Jerome which led to search for the proper medicine to cure this disease. After reading the various medical literatures, the author feels that he possesses all the diseases mentioned in these works. Jerome mentions that, â€Å"I sat and pondered. I thought what an interesting case I must be from a medical point of view, what an acquisition I should be to a class! Students would have no need to â€Å"walk the hospitals†, if they had me. I was hospital in myself. All they need would be walk around me, and, after that take their diploma†. (Jerome, 1995) In this statement one can also find the theme of humor as the author is not only discussing the serious issue of medical problems but at the same time he is finding that he has got various diseases and he describes this with lot of humor. The author after reading about the health problems states that â€Å"I walked into the reading-room a happy, healthy man. I crawled out a discrepit wreck†. (Jerome, 1995) In the second chapter there are preparations for the pleasure trips by the friends of Jerome. The author mentions â€Å"Having thus settled the sleeping arrangements to the satisfaction of all four of us, the only thing left to discuss was what we should take with us†¦Ã¢â‚¬  In this juncture one can find the humor in the statement: â€Å"George said he felt thirsty (I never knew George when he didn’t)†. (Jerome, 1995) The chapter three of the book refers to the further arrangements that were made for the trip. Humor also can be seen in the statement that â€Å"I notice that people always make gigantic arrangements for bathing when they are going anywhere near the water, but that they don’t bathe much when they are there†. (Jerome, 1995) While preparing for the travel the friends discuss regarding the question of food while traveling. While making travel arrangements, Jerome states that he thought that he is the most efficient person in packing which is essential while traveling. In fact he asked his friends to leave the task of packing to him because Jerome had confidence in his ability to pack. He stated that, â€Å"My tooth-brush is a thing that haunts me when I’m travelling, and makes my life a misery†. (Jerome, 1995) Here one can find both the seriousness of the fact that tooth-brush is necessary for travel and the sense of humor exhibited by the author. The friends visit various historical places and there is interesting discussion regarding the major events related to English history. There is reference to various adventures and misadventures of these three men while traveling. During travel the author states, â€Å"The boat seemed stuffy, and my head seemed aching†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Jerome, 1995). These people had some bad experiences which are suggested by the statement that â€Å"The people at the beer shop were rude. They merely laughed at us†. (Jerome, 1995) The experiences on the Marlow River are also explained in detail by the author. Jerome praised this river town due to its liveliness and they could enjoy in this place. In fact the author stated that â€Å"Our departure from Marlow I regard as one of our greatest successes.† (Jerome, 1995) There is also description regarding a procession which they noticed. The author mentioned that he did not like the steam launches and they had problems with these steam launches. The author also describes an incident wherein the friends prepare the meal and the author thought that this was the tastiest food he ever had.   This book by Jerome consists of themes such as traveling, escape from daily routine and humor. The various travel experiences of three men has been humorously presented by the author for the enjoyable reading. Reference Jerome, Jerome K. (1995). Three Men in a Boat, Etext #308, Project Gutenberg, Retrieved online on 10-09-2005 from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Competitiveness In The Food Industry Marketing Essay

The Competitiveness In The Food Industry Marketing Essay Melville, N. et al. (2004) defined the value of information technology in the organizations as the organizational performance impacts of information technology at both the intermediate process level and the organization-wide level, and comprising both efficiency impacts and competitive impacts. The company performance by using it could affect positively with the customers and with the competitors both at the mid level process and the organisational level process. Adding value to the business comes in the form of cost reduction and by improving the quality of customer service. What is cost reduction and how it could be achieved? The total expenditure of company for the purpose of maintaining its inventory management effectively, staffs work schedules and their salary records and relations with the customers. We could drastically reduce this cost by using customised software. By using IT we could implement effective software for track down of the inventory, thus it saves huge money for spending on man power. And even in customer service we could easily reduce the cost by proving a global call centre rather than manpower at each site. What is information technology? According to Hitt, L. Ms (1999) research, the information technology has been defined: as computers as well as related digital communication technology, it has the broad power to reduce the costs and save time for information processing. Information technology could help company in many ways, such as: Data resource management: Data resource management is managerial activity. It is useful in managing data sources between the company and its stake holders. Inventory management: By using specific software for the tracking products available in our storage area we could plan what we need for the day or for the coming days, and we can plan and interact with our suppliers and order for the raw material as accordingly. Customer relationship management: Normally called with acronym CRM is huge success when it comes to the interactions with the clients and customers. The primary purpose of the CRM is to track down the buying behaviour of the customers like what they are buying, which product is bought down by which age group, what type of products are selling in that particular area etc, etc, thus we can plan our business needs effectively. How this IT could useful in our particular company and how can we get competitive advantage with this? Our company: History: Nandos  is a  casual dining restaurant   founded in 1987 by Robert Brozin and Fernando Duarte from  South Africa  with a  Portuguese/Mozambican  theme. Nandos was Chickenland  earlier and they renamed it to Nandos after Duarte. Nandos operates in 28 countries and on five continents.  It specializes in  chicken  dishes with either lemon and herb, medium, hot or extra hot  Peri-Peri  marinades (properly known as  Galinha à   Africana). In some countries, Nandos has other flavour options like mango and lime, lemon and herb, or Mediterranean. The restaurant incorporated influences from former Portuguese colonists from  Mozambique, many of whom had settled on the south-eastern side of Johannesburg, after their homelands independence in 1975. It has branches all over the world. Primarily focused on English speaking countries now it spreads all over the world where the people prefer spicy chicken. It is famous for its peri-peri chicken which is its own brand. It has 230 branches across UK and it has nearly 6600 employed in all these branches. It primarily focus on its culture. It was awarded no. 1 in food industry by Sunday times. And it has an investor award. Task1: Porters five force model: File:Porters five forces.PNG A graphical representation of Porters Five Forces Bargaining power of supplier: the majority of supply is from Faccenda and Freemans of Newent and small supply from Holland and Germany. Nandos has its own name in the industry although it does matter the raw materials. As long as the supplier is happy with the business there would be no problem, the suppliers are pretty famous in their respective fields as they have very much contracts in their hands. Although We can say the bargaining power of the suppliers is low. The Nandos requires huge volumes of raw materials when one supplier step down another one could take up. And there are many suppliers available it would be easy to us to go for another supplier but it is not easy to supplier to loose Nandos. It is win- win situations Threat of new entrants: There is lot market for the food industry and particularly for chicken food as it widely eaten there so much scope for new markets. Nandos has its own name and it has niche market there and there would be no affect if any new restaurant comes in. Nandos is more concentrated on its culture and being best than the bigger it is very difficult to new entrants to compete with the Nandos. So we can say the threat of new entrants is comparatively low. Threat of substitute products or services: Items like Portuguese vinaigrette and some cooking sauces, pasta sauces could not stand in the market because of some brand companies in the particular item field. Instead Nandos concentrated on some other items like marinades and peri-peri sauces where it has its own influence. The price factor is very important to not to lose the customer. The customer always looks for the cheap price for the same product. Considering the food products of Nandos, they are pretty famous for its taste rather than cost thus we can say the threat is low. Bargaining power of customers: The power of customer is defined by the volume of them and their information like their age, sex and location etc.etc. Nandos has niche market which caters for the lovers of spicy food. These customers are generally young and adult. Nandos has its brand that their chicken is best in their competitors so the customer will not want to go for other restaurant. And there are not substitutes available with this spicy range with other restaurants we can confidently say that our customers bargaining power is low. Existing rivalry: If want to talk about the particular branch which is Stratford, Nandos we are dealing the primary competitors are The Fox, the Indian gate, Pizzahut, Carrebian scene and the Mukhan. All of these restaurants are highly preferable and they have their best in the particular food. We can say like Pizzahut is famous for its pizza, the Indian gateway for its Indian food although they provide chicken items. None of them are comparable when it comes to the spicy chicken or peri-peri chicken. Nandos provides huge range variety of products than to other competitors. The price options are also very reasonable when compare to the international brand like Pizzahut or very local The Indain gateway. Therefore we can say the the existing rivalry is low. The intensity of rivalry for Nandos is influenced by No of restaurants: increases rivalry because more restaurants must compete for the same customers and resources. The rivalry intensifies if the firms have similar market share, leading to a struggle for market leadership. Task 2: Value chain model: The Value Chain framework of Michael Porter is a model that helps to analyze specific activities through which firms can create value and competitive advantage. The value chain helps an organization identify how it creates value for customers and locate where its sources of competitive advantage lie. Value chain models can be created in both qualitative and quantitative forms. Many organizations do not consciously make decisions to optimize the sources of advantage resident in their value chain and in so doing, risk losing competitive advantage. What is Value Chain Analysis? A value chain is a chain of value added activities; products pass through the activities in a chain, gaining value at each stage. Value chain allows alignment of processes with customers. This generates a quality advantage. Value chain focuses cost management efforts. It provides for efficient processes which improves the timeliness of operations. The steps in Vaule chain model are: Inbound logistics: Inbound logistics of Nandos deals with receiving goods, storing them . for this we use an dinventory control management system. It deals with everything related to goods and its transportation. This inbound is very important to maintain the warehouse products available effectively without interrupting the business to customers. Outbound logistics: inbound logistics deals with the good coming upto the warehouse where as the outbound logistics deals with the products reaching to customers. Nandos has the dedicated transportation service to delivery its products to reach its restaurants on time. It uses PDAs to track down its vehicles on road where they are at particular time so the restaurants and head office knows when they will reach the destination. This allows the restaurants to plan accordingly. Marketing and sales: To attract customers Nandos approaches in very innovative yet cost effective manner. It provides customers to win prizes when the make orders at restaurants. Some of its promotions include gift cards, Go PERi-lectric with a pair of tickets to Irelands Electric Picnic, Brighton Pride and Win a PERi-tastic prize Tickets to the LED festival, Win A Footie Chicken-Fest etc, etc. And Nandos spend considerable amount of money to promote irs restaurants aggressively through print media and electroninc media. In 2010, Advertising Age magazine named Nandos as one of the worlds top 30 hottest marketing brands. Service: The service mainly here defined as the interaction with customers and the service we provide to them. The better the service the better the chances to increase its brand value. Procurement: Procurement mainly deals with the requirement of raw materials, space to setup restaurants, kitchen machinery etc. Technology Development: The technology development is to support value chain activities such as design, strategies and tactics , research and development, processing etc. We discuss about this in next task. Human Resource Management Human resource management is primarily associated with staff recruiting, staff schedules and salary maintenance and maintaining compensation and benefits to its employees and staff. Firm Infrastructure The infrastructure associates with hierarchical process of the firm. It Includes management, planning, finance, legal issues, public relations, accounting and quality management, etc. Task 3: How IT can be used to develop business: I will use Value Chain analysis to explain how IT help Nandos add value to themselves and obtain competitive advantage in food industry. Value Chain analysis consist of primary activities and support activities, which are detailed from below: The IT can be used to increases the knowledge of profit zones where there is no profit, It increases the knowledge of forward and/or backward integration opportunities, identifies value process and Identifies win-win alliance opportunities As consultant for Nandos restaurant we need to advise them to use value chain models for implementing cost comparison between the companies to other competitors. What is Strategy? And How Does Porters Value Chain Model Fit With Strategy? Strategy is your business direction; and the how, why, what, who and when of following that direction. Most businesses analyze their own internal cost structures but most do not analyze their competitors structures. The five Ps of nandos to follow to get competitive advantage are: Plan: Portugese chiken all over the world Ploy: not to face competitors but to find a strong market i.e. customers Position: best rather than biggest Pattern: culture Perspective: wants to develop in countries where chiken, spicy and English speaking customers You only get an edge over rivals by having or doing something that they cant have or do. Computers have revolutionized the food and beverage industry as they have nearly every other industry. A key management concern of any food and beverage business is the profit margin. In this vital area of business, computers have also proven to be an indispensable tool. Computer systems help manage the entire food service process from ordering the ingredients needed to produce menu items, to forecasting the amount of items to prepare for each dining period based on historical patterns. This helps to reduce wasted food, which is very expensive and comes out of the businesses profit. It also helps in preparing menu items before hand, which reduces customer wait time The information system should mention the following steps: People Data Networks, Hardware, Software. It costs us to implement any new information technologies in our system. So we have to analyse what is our need and how it would affect the system and how it drive the sales. No better understanding of the system will lead very bad results thus company should go to losses. The technologies we advice to Nandos to implement: Online ordering system: since the Nandos is major food restaurant, it does not have any online ordering system or telephone order system for the customers to order when they are at work or at home. It is not possible to everyone to come to the restaurant to eat in or take way. Some are older some are busy or the restaurtant are really far from home etc. If we could develop a e-commerce website which allows customer to buy online and we could deliver it to them as soon as possible it would definitely drive our sales at very huge level. Our main competitors for this area Pizzahut have these both online and telephone order service. The people who like Nandos and cannot come to the restaurant will opt for the service like this provided by our competitors. The investment and maintenance for a e-commerce website for Nandos may not cost more and the return on investment(ROI) could be get back easily as the sales come from online orders are solely because of website. Presently we have website for Nandos which gives the information about the Nandos available restaurant and their menus with their physical address. We can develop a website the offers online orders and we can integrate this to the already available website. Mobile application: as the technology rigorously increasing on day to day manner, the people using high end mobile phones is always on the high. Phone manufactures like Nokia, iPhone and Samsung offers third party applications to the mobile customers. If we could develop mobile application thus it features all available information yet briefly it would hugely improve the sales. If we could features restaurant addresses and online order facility it will be useful because the phone is always handy wherever the customer so he could check it and go to the nearest restaurant to his location. Software program: we could develop software solely for the purpose to gather critical information which needed to choose a site where we want to setup any additional restaurants by verifying the demographics and the distance to other available restaurants and customers information particularly related to food business. The program analyse the area and provides the detailed scenario about how many people lives there and their age group and any eating habits particularly they have. So that we could make decision depending on the information available. For this application to work out very well we need to get census data from government or third party providers or we may take out a survey which cost us a bit which is one time investment. We can also use the data mining techniques depend on the available data thus any already existed restaurant may affect our business or not. Inventory control: Every day there are lots of raw material comes in lots of material goes out in warehouse. If we use a n inventory management application we could easily track down the data available. Therefore we find out what type of item we have stock and what not we have. It helps us to order new material effectively. Thus we could reduce the food wastage. In a long run it could save several thousand pounds to the company. Communication communication between the head office to restaurants through e-mails etc. Etc. CRM software is very useful for this service. HR job recruitment: information technology is very useful when it comes recruit,emt and human resource management. We could advertise online for the vacancies we have and can accept application made online. Thus it reduces paper publicity cost and paper cost for the applications. Custom software could take all the tasks related to hr. Loyalty cards: to drive sales very high we introduce loyalty cards which allow regular customers to get free bees. We could offer them discount prices or occasional offers to them. And by adding this loyalty cards to the technology we could get the customer details so that we could plan them accordingly what they bought, what their age group etc. Etc. And we could send them promotional offers or discount coupons if we have their personal address or e-mail id. Information technology make out of home dining a more enjoyable experience for the customer and a more profitable manageable experience for business managers and owners. With the aid of Information technology we are not only able to stream line our business processes but we are also able to get constant information in real time that is up to the minute and up to date. In todays business environment we could consider IT as part of the Organization.